Four Years (Quick)

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Quinn put her carryon in the overhead compartment before taking her seat on the plane. She picked at her nails and tapped her foot nervously while the other passengers boarded.

"Anxious flyer?"

Quinn looked at the dad and daughter pair who had sat down in her row. They were probably around her parents' and grandparents' ages. "Not usually."

"I'm guessing you're visiting someone."

"Dad, don't pry. I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine." Quinn said. "It's a long flight and honestly, I don't mind."

"I'm Laura and this is my dad, Vito."

"Quinn." Quinn replied. "It's nice to meet you both. Are you visiting someone in L.A.?"

"We're flying to see Laura's sister and her family." Vito nodded. "My grandkids."

"What about you?" Laura wondered.

"I'm visiting an old friend." Quinn answered.

"How long has it been since you've seen him?" Vito asked.

"How do you know it's a guy?" Quinn wondered.

"In my experience, when someone flies across the country this close to Christmas by themselves, it's usually for a romantic reason." Vito explained.

"Well, he and I have a lot of history, but the distance has kept us from ever being a real couple." Quinn replied. "I'm hoping today changes that."

"See?" Vito smiled. "Romantic reason."

Quinn smiled back and looked at Laura. "What about you? Do you live in Connecticut?"

"I live in New York." Laura informed Quinn. "My sister throws a big L.A. Christmas dinner, and my dad insisted on flying out together."

"Wait a minute, you're not spending Christmas with your parents?"


Quinn was amused by Vito, and by his dynamic with Laura.

"It's okay." Quinn said. "And no, my mom's spending this Christmas with my sister, so I'm on my own."

"What about your boyfriend?"

"He doesn't celebrate Christmas."


When they landed, Quinn almost didn't want to get off the plane. She enjoyed getting to know Laura and Vito, and see pictures of their family and kids and grandkids.

"Have a merry Christmas." Quinn smiled as she helped get the bags down from the overhead compartment.

"You, to0, Quinn. It was so nice to meet you." Laura smiled back.

"Yeah, good luck with your special friend." Vito added. "I hope it all works out."

"Thank you." Quinn nodded. "It was nice meeting you both. Safe travels."

"You, too."


Quinn ordered a car and left the airport, heading straight to Puck's. When she reached it, she lugged her things to the door and knocked.

No answer.

Quinn knocked again, feeling more desperate and nervous.

"Alright, chill. I'm coming."

Quinn felt stupid. She had no idea what Puck was going to think about her being there or what he would say, or what she would do if there was someone else.

"Quinn? Oh my god." Puck grinned when he saw her. He pulled her into a hug and looked at her when they parted. "What are you doing here?"

"We said four years." Quinn reminded Puck. "If things changed or there's someone else or-"

"There's not." Puck interrupted. "There's only you."

"Really?" Quinn asked, somewhat surprised but mostly impressed.

"Really." Puck confirmed as he cupped Quinn's cheeks and kissed her.

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