Kidney Stones (Quicketh+fam)

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"Hello?" Quinn answered her phone.

"Hi, I'm looking for Quinn Puckerman."

"Speaking." Quinn said.

"Mrs. Puckerman, my name is Megan, and I'm a nurse at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. I'm calling on behalf of your husband."

"Is Noah okay? What'd he do now?" Quinn questioned the nurse.

"He passed out at work, and the ambulance brought him here." Megan told Quinn. "It looks like kidney stones."

"Kidney stones." Quinn repeated. "How's he doing? Can I talk to him?"

"He's in a lot of pain, Mrs. Puckerman." The nurse explained. "The doctors put him on a medication that will hopefully break down the stones so he can pass them naturally, but he's refusing pain medication."

"Yeah." Quinn said. "And what if the medicine to break them down doesn't work?"

"There are alternative procedures." Megan informed Quinn. "I can have the doctor call you to discuss options if you'd like."

"No, that's okay." Quinn stated. "I'm on my way."


"Hi, baby." Quinn said, entering the hospital room. "I'm here."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"How do you feel?" Quinn asked as she took Puck's hand.

"He's doing really well."

Quinn looked at the nurse.

"I'm Megan. We spoke on the phone earlier."

"Nice to meet you." Quinn nodded. "And thanks for calling me."

Megan smiled and nodded. "I'm gonna check in on some other patients. I'll be back soon."

"Thank you." Quinn said as she nurse left the room. She gently ran her hands through Puck's hair, pushing it out of his face.

"I'm really glad you're here." Puck said.

"I'm sorry you're going through this." Quinn frowned. "What'd the doctor say?"

"There's, like, a fifty percent chance of getting another one in the next few years." Puck muttered. "Did they tell you I passed out?"

"They did." Quinn said. "You're lucky you didn't hit your head."

"Yeah." Puck agreed.

"Do you need anything?" Quinn offered. "Anything I can do?"

Puck shook his head as he interlaced his fingers with Quinn's.

"I'm right here, Noah. I'm not going anywhere."


"Fuck." Puck hissed. "Get the doctor."

"Okay." Quinn said.

"Not you." Puck shook his head as he pointed to the nurse.

The nurse left the room, hurrying to find the doctor.

"Just breathe." Quinn coached Puck. "I love you."

"Love you." Puck echoed.

Quinn gently ran her hands through Puck's hair over and over again to calm him down.

The doctor returned shortly after.

"Do something." Puck commanded.

"What surgical options did you mention to him?" Quinn asked the doctor.

"My best recommendation would be a PCNL." The doctor responded. "We'll take him into surgery and put a tube into his back to crush and remove the stones."

Quinn nodded slowly and looked at Puck.

"Do that." Puck ordered.

"Let's get Mr. Puckerman prepped for surgery then." The doctor decided as she went to leave the room.

"Wait." Quinn called after her. "Is this an outpatient procedure?"

"No, we'll need to keep him and monitor him for a day or two, but there's very little risk in this, and your husband's gonna do great."

"Yeah." Quinn nodded slowly as she looked at Puck, who had his eyes closed. "You're gonna do great, babe."

Puck nodded.


"Mrs. Puckerman?"

Quinn picked her head up and slowly stood up.

"Everything went really well. Your husband's in recovery, and he'll be waking up any minute now. The nurses will take you to see him whenever you're ready."

"Thank you." Quinn smiled as she followed the nurse until they reached Puck's room. She went inside and looked at him.


"Hi." Quinn repeated. "How do you feel?"

"I love you so much." Puck replied.

"I guess the drugs haven't worn off yet." Quinn noted.

"They have." Puck insisted. "But now I have a little taste of what childbirth must've been like, and I have a new appreciation for you. And I gotta say, I hate saying you in pain, but I prefer being the coach."

Quinn smiled slightly. "Well, the doctor said you did a great job, and I'm glad you're okay. And I love you, too."

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