Chapter 4: Wonderful News

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When Empress Maria had finished announcing the Crown prince to the Empire, the child released another laugh. Though this time, it didn't cause any sensation throughout the empire; it only caused everyone within the room to smile.

"Ah, yes, Ancestor. Why have you left your seclusion?" Asked Maria while using her finger to play with her child, causing him to radiate happiness.

"Yes, Great-Grandmother, it's been a couple hundred million years since you last left seclusion; it must've been important." Said the older male Elf with interest in his voice.

"The reason I left seclusion actually has to do with Elif." Replied the Elven ancestor while walking toward Maria.

"May I hold him, Empress?" Asked the Elven ancestor with her arms extended out.

"Yes, of course. But everything is alright about Elif, correct?" Asked Maria with worry evident in her voice while she handed over Elif to the ancestor.

"There is nothing wrong with Elif; in fact, Elif has somehow managed to help some of the other ancestors with breaking their bottlenecks; I had received some assistance as well, and If I'm lucky, I might be able to break through to the next major realm!" Said the Elven ancestor with excitement in her voice as she played the Elif for a while before handing him over to his father as he hadn't had a chance to hold him yet.

The words that left the Elven ancestor's mouth surprised everyone in the room as they know at their level, it's extremely hard to receive even small breakthroughs, let alone ancestors who have been alive for countless eons and have achieved an unfathomable cultivation base.

"Haha, that is wonderful news; first, I have received a grandchild, and now our Empire has gotten even stronger; what will happen next?" The old Elven man said in excitement.

"Now that I figured out where that heavenly laughter which improved our cultivation base originated from, I shall return to seclusion and digest the benefits, farewell." Said the Elven ancestor as she gave one last look at Elif before vanishing from everyone's eyes.

With the ancestor leaving, everyone else figured it was about time to leave the room and continue with their duties, don't forget that they are rulers of an Immortal Empire; they can't stop duties just because they have a child.

"You should take care of Elif for a few days; you've just given birth, so you're not at your peak; let me take care of the Empire for a few weeks." Said Marcus as he handed Elif back over to Maria before kissing him on the forehead and kissing Maria.

"I'm surprised you're willing to act as an Emperor for once and do your job; usually, I'm the only one." Replied Maria while giving Marcus a scrutinizing look, which caused him to feel slightly embarrassed.

"Well, you know I've never liked doing paperwork; it's boring; I'd much rather do other stuff." Said Marcus sheepishly while avoiding eye contact.

"Haa, no matter their age, they still like to act like kids." Said the older female Elf, who had a smile on her face as she watched her children argue.

"What did you expect, Tiana? They've been together for almost three hundred eons; besides, aren't we the same as them?" Replied the older male Elf while remembering his younger days.

"I guess you're right, Tyler; we're even worse than them." Tiana, the older female Elf, replied in delight while slightly laughing.

"Let us leave while the children are still arguing; I don't want Marcus to try and ask us for help in doing the paperwork; we've already done that. Haha." Said Tyler, the older male Elf, before disappearing from the room, while Tiana followed right after him, both of them leaving quietly.


While I was sleeping, I heard a loud noise, I was going to ignore it because of how comfortable I felt while sleeping, but after a while, it suddenly hit me.

'How am I hearing things? I don't have Ears. I don't even know what Ears are?'

I tried moving around, but I felt something bound to my body and prevented me from moving; after struggling for a while, I finally managed to open my eyelids, which I have no idea what they are. Once I could see, I was blinded by the amount of light my eyes were receiving, but my eyes managed to adjust after a few seconds, and when they did, the first thing I saw was a beautiful dark-skinned face; I was overwhelmed. I wasn't overwhelmed with her beauty; no, I was overwhelmed with the emotions I could sense radiating off her; it was suffocating, but I never once felt scared or threatened; I felt like as long as I stayed looking at that face, everything would be perfect.

I didn't know what to do; I was staring back at her until I felt something slowly being created inside me; it quickly grew in size until it was the only thing I felt.

'What is this feeling? It has the same feeling as the emotion radiating off this woman, and I don't know why but I feel some connection to her. Mother? What's a Mother? Is she my Mother?'

Eventually, the emotions I was feeling grew to a point where I felt like I would explode if I didn't do anything, so I tried copying what my mother was doing and released all of my emotions.

"Hehehe." When I finally let out the emotions that were bottled up inside of me, I felt great, I could finally think normally again, and it allowed me to realize that there were other faces present.

The male face on the left was the closest, and then in the distance on the right, I noticed two other people, one male and the other female; I didn't know what to do, and I couldn't do anything, so I just laid there in my mother's arms. As time passed, my mother started touching me all over my face; I don't know why but whenever she did, it caused me to feel happy, that was till she handed me over to someone else, but when I saw her face, she looked old.

This time I was handed over to a man, and I could also feel a connection with him as well.

'Father?' I didn't know the meaning of father and mother, but somehow they just felt right to me, so I kept using them.

Eventually, I ended up back up in my mother's arms, and I watched as mother and father talked with each other; I could hear sounds happening when either of them opened their mouth. Seeing how they could make noise, I tried copying them, but when I opened my mouth, nothing happened; I continued for a while, but I soon started to feel tired, so I stopped.

Right, when I stopped, I saw father's face touch my own before disappearing right in front of me, I didn't understand what just happened, but I wasn't given enough time before I saw the scenery change. I'm still in my mother's arms but in a different place; I can't see much except for a painting and a small bed.

'Where am I now?' I wanted to look around some more, but mother pulled down her clothes, and her breasts spilled out; I again didn't know what was going on, but once I laid eyes on her breasts, for some reason, I wanted to suck on them.

Luckily mother must've somehow known what I wanted to do because she brought my body within range of her breasts, and when she did by instinct, I opened my mouth and started sucking on them. When I sucked, something came out of it, and it tasted good, so I continued sucking till I no longer felt the need to suck; letting go of her breast, I watched as she put her clothes back on.

Then she started swaying her arms back and forth, I was once again confused, but while I was rocking, I slowly started to feel tired until I eventually closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

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