Chapter 169: Marley & Idonea Experience Hell

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"Calida, could you please tell me why you're naked?" Asked Elif in exhaustion while eyeing the embarrassed and blushing Calida, who was making little effort to cover herself up.

"Um, well, you commented about the two of us stripping, and while I thought you were merely joking at first, when I saw your servant in the nude, I assumed you were serious, so I followed suit and took off my clothes. Was I not supposed to, Prince Elif?" Replied Calida hesitantly while glancing between the snickering Illumia and Elif.

"Your first assumption was correct; I was merely making a joke, but contrary to her bland personality, she enjoys teasing me, and this was just another one of her attempts at doing so; you were just unlucky enough to get caught in the crossfire." Stated Elif as he leaned back while glancing at Illumia, sighing in exhaustion.

"O-Oh, I see. So I should put my clothes back on then." Said Calida with a deep blush of shame from realizing her mistake as she started to put her clothes back on, though Elif stopped her.

"Hmm, what are you doing now? You're already nude, Calida, and I've seen everything; there is no point getting dressed now. Besides, it would be almost sinful as a man if I didn't enjoy this moment." Questioned Elif with a slight smile and a raised eyebrow as he stopped Calida from getting dressed, enjoying the sight of five beautiful nude women.

"I-Is that so, Prince Elif? Well, if you insist, I don't mind." Replied Calida with a slight blush as she stopped her actions, Elif's charms truly knowing no bounds.

"I wonder how Her Highness will feel when she learns about this." Commented Illumia, causing Elif to stare at her intently.

"Illumia, if you happen to so much as speak about this in Elaine's presence, I'll have you in that cauldron as well; don't think I won't do it." Stated Elif solemnly, though Illumia merely smirked at his response while staying silent.

Ignoring Illumia, I eyed the three women floating about in the yellowish liquid inside the cauldron; seeing their determined expression, I stopped delaying the inevitable and signaled toward Calida, who gave a slight nod before raising her two hands towards the massive cauldron, causing two different colored flames to emit from her hands. Her left emitted a bright reddish flame that quickly enveloped the left side of the cauldron, the same side Marley and Idonea inhabited.

Her right hand, though, emitted a dazzling purple flame, the same color as her hair, as it converged toward the right side of the cauldron, which was where Mandy was, yet the sheer power that radiated off the purple flame caused me to raise an eyebrow, and although both flames Calida released gave off the same heat, I knew that was merely because of her impressive control; otherwise, I have no doubt that she would cause most of the Phoenix Clan to melt from that small purple flame. Though, that is, of course, without taking into account the clan's defensive formations.

With Calida's impressive control, both flames gently enveloped their respective side of the cauldron, causing it to instantly give off a light steam that progressively got more intense as time went on; within a minute, the steam was so dense I could no longer see Mandy, Marley or even Idonea. Yet, I didn't need to see their figures to still know they were in there since, in a matter of seconds, I began hearing their painful grunts amidst the sound of steam being released into the air.

"Urgh! Argh!" Said Marley, the first to lose their composure as she has faced the least difficulties throughout her life amongst the three, though Idonea's voice didn't trail far behind.

"URGH!" Said Idonea in pain while attempting to suppress her voice, though to no avail, and in a few more minutes, their grunts started to morph into shrieks of pure agony as the two experienced the most painful sensation throughout their lives.

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