Chapter 178: Fun?

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"Brother, I love spending time with you, but we've been flying for a few hours, and other than the occasional cultivator, we haven't come across anything fun like you said we would." Said Elaine as she looked at Elif while the two flew just above the forest, still heading west.

"I didn't say we're going to have fun; I said, let's have fun. There is a slight difference between the two, Elaine." Replied Elif with a slight nod as he glanced at Elaine, who was giving him an unamused look.

"Well, I don't care; all I want to know is whether we will have fun." Remarked Elaine with a shake of her head while looking at the forest below, inhabited by numerous beasts.

Rubbing my chin, I spread my divine sense, hoping to discover something of interest, and while I, unfortunately, didn't do so, I did happen to come across a group of cultivators struggling to fight a beast. It wasn't something interesting, but I figured I should help them; after all, the more people I prevent from dying, the better my chance of winning the bet.

"Hmm, let's go that way. I spotted a group of cultivators fighting a decently powerful beast that hopefully should provide some form of entertainment." Said Elif rather unenthusiastically as he pointed toward the north, prompting Elaine to expand her divine sense, which was massive, given her void physique and cultivation base of an early Divine, though it was still slightly smaller than Elif's; of course, that is if they have the same cultivation base, otherwise it's not even comparable.

"Are you being serious, Brother?" Asked Elaine with a frown as she viewed the group of cultivators, which happened to consist of all women fighting against a beast.

"Yes, is there something wrong with my suggestion? I know it's not exactly what you probably envisioned when you think of fun, but it's not like what we are doing is any more interesting. Besides, saving their lives isn't a bad thing; they are Elves, and doing so will help us win the bet." Replied Elif calmly as he changed his direction and flew toward the group of women in the north; Elaine, while displeased, silently followed behind.

The group of women weren't too far away, and in just a couple of minutes of some leisure flying, we arrived, and just in time, too, since it seemed like they had reached their limit against the beast, which looked to be a mountain ape; they're called that, not because of their size, but because of their absurd strength.

"Hailey, watch out!!" Yelled a heavily injured woman as she attempted to stand up while looking at Hailey in the distance, who was about to be swatted like a fly by the mountain ape.

Seeing the gravely injured woman about to be slapped to death by the enraged mountain ape, like the heavenly dashing prince I am, I swooped right in between the two and outstretched my hand toward the incoming large hairy palm, stopping it right in its tracks as the mountain ape shifted his focus from the injured woman to me. The ape clearly wasn't stupid, since with my sudden presence and my ability to casually block its full-powered attack, it retreated while warily observing me, though since the ape wasn't the one I had business with, I merely pressured it, forcing the ape to its knees.

"Now that you know the massive difference in strength between us, leave unless you wish to be killed." Said Elif lightly as he released the ape, causing it to quickly flee while whimpering in fear.

Watching the ape vanish into the thick vegetation of the forest, I turned around, eyeing the astonished, exhausted, and injured woman, who was covered in dirt, blood, and numerous bruises; just as I was about to say something befitting of my princely status, she collapsed, and her falling direction just so happened to be toward me.

'Annoying, she's going to dirty my clothes; why couldn't she have fallen in a different direction?' Mused Elif as he caught the woman who had fallen onto his chest, which just so happened to be seen by Elaine.

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