Chapter 29: Dao Heart

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While resting with Elaine, I opened my eyes when I felt movement and saw Elaine crawling on top of me; grabbing her into my arms, I got off the bed and made my way downstairs, where I saw father and mother talking amongst themselves.

"Are you feeling better now, Elif?" Asked Maria.

"Yes." Answered Elif, letting Maria take Elaine out of his hands.

"I'll go and feed her; she's probably hungry by now." Muttered Maria as she walked out of the house before vanishing.

Seeing mother leave with Elaine, I looked out one of the windows to check how much time I had till nightfall as I still planned to go to the royal library.

'It's a little darker than before, but it's still bright, so I have some time.' Thought Elif as he walked a little closer to Marcus.

"Father, can you take me to the Royal Library?" Asked Elif.

"Sure, but why do you wish to go there?" Replied Marcus curiously as he got up from his seat and made his way outside with Elif following behind him.

"Earlier, when I visited mother before leaving the Royal grounds, I saw mother create a giant golden hand to grab ahold of a Royal guard; she said it was called the Royal Elf's Palm, an offensive technique, and she said I could learn it by going to the Royal Library. Also, do you know why mother randomly attacked that Royal guard? I meant to ask, but I kept forgetting about it?" Replied Elif, while following his father outside the house to see Tyler sitting down drinking some tea with Illumia's help and Tiana still concentrating on her wood carving sculpture.

"Ahh, that's why you wish to visit the Royal Library; the Royal Elf's palm is one of our strongest offensive techniques and one of the few techniques required to learn to become the Emperor. For the Royal Guard, he was a spy sent by some outside forces, and we usually would've dealt with any spies that make it into the Royal guards quietly, but Maria didn't want any spies near you while you're outside of the Castle, so she got rid of him." Answered Marcus.

"Ohh, no wonder, hmm, doesn't that mean I've technically found a spy then?" Asked Elif with a smile of victory on his face.

"Haa, I guess." Said Marcus with a shake of his head.

As I was feeling good about myself, I called along Illumia so father could take us to the Royal Library. However, when I saw Illumia serving grandfather, I was slightly annoyed as Illumia's supposed to be my maid, not grandfather.

"Illumia come on, father's going to take us to the Royal Library, and grandfather, stop forcing Illumia to serve you tea; you're a grown man; you can do it yourself, or at least don't use Illumia." Said Elif as he watched Illumia bow to Tyler before walking back toward him.

"Hahaha, I'm an old man now, Elif; I can't move like I used to, so I need some help, that's all." Replied Tyler while laughing when he saw Elifs annoyed face.

"Hmph, please do you take me for a child, grandfather? I know enough about cultivation that the higher your cultivation base, the longer your lifespan, so you're probably not even that old relative to your cultivation base, are you, grandfather?" Stated Elif, feeling smug as he believed he was correct in his analysis.

"Hmm, you're right about that; I'm indeed quite young relative to my cultivation base, but you're only four; of course, you're a child! Hahahaha." Said Tyler seriously before laughing loudly, while Elif's face twitched in annoyance as he couldn't deny his grandfather's claim.

"Will you be quiet, Tyler? Your obnoxious laughter has caused me almost to mess up!" Said Tiana angrily while staring at Tyler, who immediately stopped laughing when he saw her expression.

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