Chapter 48: Day three & Final's

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"Welcome everybody to the final and most anticipated day of the Noble Tournament! Today we have four quarter-final matches, two semi-final matches, and one final match, all to determine who is the strongest among the younger generation! Now, I know no one cares about anything I say and is just waiting for me to officially start today's tournament, so without further ado, let the first match of the day BEGIN!" Shouted the Announcer with incredible passion and excitement, causing the coliseum to erupt in cheers and yelling.

Once the Announcer disappeared from the arena, Alf and her opponent arrived shortly after; I don't know who her opponent is, but considering he made it this far, he must be pretty powerful, and he didn't disappoint my expectation.

This time Alf wasn't able to end the match with one attack like she's done previously, as the boy managed to escape just before the hammer landed on his head, though that didn't stop Alf from continuing to smash him with her hammer; however, the boy always managed to escape just in time, although he evades every attack, he hasn't once tried attacking.

Luckily he didn't stay passive for too long as when he saw a window to attack, he pulled out a dagger from his waist and headed straight toward Alf with speed even faster than he used when dodging, seemingly catching Alf off-guard slightly. When he got close, he stabbed his dagger aiming at the back of Alf's leg, though right before the attack connected, Alf's skin seemed to take on a slightly rough texture, and when the dagger connected to the back of her leg, it merely made a slight scratch.

'Hmm, must've been a defensive technique, and she seems pretty proficient in it as well; even I would find it somewhat difficult to bypass that defense,' Thought Elif as he did his best to observe the characteristics of the technique, such as looking for weak points, or even areas to avoid attacking.

The boy didn't seem surprised at how ineffective his attack was as he vanished from his spot, doing so just in time as the place he was previously at had been crushed by a hammer.

The fighting continued, with Alf constantly on the offensive but always being too slow to catch her opponent, while the boy would always evade Alf and try attacking her when he had a clear opening.

"At this point, it just comes down to either Alf getting exhausted or if her opponent makes a mistake, just one hit is all Alf needs to change to outcome of the fight." Commented Elif, looking over to the very alert Mandy standing beside him.

"Are you just going to stand there doing nothing, or what?" Asked Elif, feeling slightly bored as he usually appeases his boredom by conversing with Illumia.

"My apologies, Prince Elif, I was focused on guarding your safety." Answered Mandy with a bow before quickly returning to seriously guarding Elif.

Seeing how Mandy acted, I shook my head and ignored her before focusing back on the fight, which had just entered the peak, I would say, as Alf's opponent swapped out his dagger with another one, and this new dagger radiated its own killing intent.

'Illumia had said to acquire killing intent, you must reap a living beings life, and in order to increase your killing intent, you must continuously kill, though while she briefly mentioned it, she did say a weapon could acquire killing intent, it just required a vast amount of killing with that specific weapon.' Thought Elif, anticipating the day he would finally acquire his killing intent.

As the battle continued, you could see that his new dagger managed to bypass Alf's defensive technique since it would leave cuts all over her skin; however, it wasn't like Alf's defense was useless as none of the cuts were that deep, though if she does get cut enough times, she might bleed out.

Even though Alf is currently in a disadvantageous position, her facial expression doesn't show much worry, which leads me to believe that she has a plan; however, calling this a plan might be a bit far-fetched, in my opinion.

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