Chapter 129: Marley & Idonea's Predicament

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With Eyvor officially announcing the banquet's start, everyone present started cheering loudly. At the same time, rows of servants carrying platters entered the dining hall from various entryways as they navigated through the numerous tables and began serving everyone their food.

Seeing the group of servants heading toward our table, I ignored most of them while focusing on one specific servant, as he was carrying a large bowl filled with nothing but lightning cherries; out of instinct, I almost levitated the bowl out of his hands, although I did my manage to stop myself before I did such thing.

Once the servants finished serving all the food, I ignored the concept of moderation and grabbed the entire bowl from off the table and set it on my lap; however, I could hardly see over it with how large the bowl was.

"I'm only going to announce this once, but if you want some lightning cherries, take some right now, as I won't be so generous later." Announced Elif as he glanced at everyone sitting near him while Goliath chuckled at his antics.

"I'd like some lightning cherries; they are definitely one of the most delicious fruits I've tasted; besides, from the records inscribed by the Asura's during the Primordial Epoch, a balanced diet between meat and plants is the best way to increase your muscle mass." Said Echo as she waved her hand at the bowl in Elif's lap, causing numerous lightning cherries to hover toward her plate, which consisted of large amounts of meat and the newly added fruits.

"I'll also take some lightning cherries; I prefer to eat mostly fruits and vegetables." Said Shelia as she also waved her hand in the direction of the bowl filled with lightning cherries, doing the same thing Echo did.

"I must take some as well; you know Dryads and meat don't get along with one another." Remarked Birger as he also copied Shelia and Echo, though he took slightly more than the previous two.

"Tch, why did you three take so much? You're not leaving any for anyone else." Stated Elif with a frown as he scrutinized Echo, Shelia, and Birger's plates.

"Calm down, your highness; even if you combine the total amount those three took, it doesn't exceed one hundred, and considering the bowl contains several thousand lightning cherries, I think you'll be okay. Not to mention if we take into account your personal stash in your dimension ring." Said Illumia as she glanced at Elif with a bland expression before shaking her head and closing her eyes.

"First off, you can't take my stash into account, and besides, why did you assume that I'll be eating the entire bowl by myself?" Questioned Elif as he glanced at Illumia, though his words didn't sound convincing considering he was eating lightning cherries.

"Your Highness, I've seen you devour a barrel twice the size of the bowl in your lap, filled with lightning cherries in a single day. I do not put it past you to empty that bowl by the time the banquet ends." Declared Illumia, her words causing everyone nearby to chuckle lightly, except for Goliath, who was laughing loudly.

"Hmph, I was merely hungry that day, nothing more." Remarked Elif in annoyance as he continued eating lightning cherries.

"Anyway, Prince Elif, I've wanted to ask, what happened to your other two servants? I didn't see them with you earlier, nor did I see them walking around before the banquet started." Asked Eyvor curiously.

"Haa, those two. They are supposed to be adults; however, sometimes, I feel like they're like two children." Said Elif with a sigh while feeling slightly irked with Marley and Idonea.

"They're both currently resting after participating in a deadly fight." Added Elif with a frown, his words surprising Eyvor and arousing interest in everyone else.

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