Chapter 185: Endless Horde

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Dodging a claw swipe from above, I stabbed the beast with my spear, killing a few other beasts behind it; retracting my spear, I swiped it at an incoming group of beasts before me, and while the spear isn't the best weapon for dealing with large groups of enemies, against these weak beasts, it would hardly make a difference whether I used a spear or a stick.

Killing the several creatures before me, I swiftly turned around again, this time protecting Sarah from a beast that was trying to kill her. Using my spear to kill a different beast, I stabbed my hand through the one attempting to harm Sarah as I infused it with my Qi before throwing it toward a group of beasts. Creating a massive explosion that killed hundreds and wounded many more, but just like what we've been doing the entire time, the instant those beasts died, new ones filled their ranks as they came charging toward Sarah and I.

'Ugh, no matter how many we kill, it never seems to end! The only saving grace is that they're weak; otherwise, we would've long since died.' Mused Marley, with red blood splattered all over her body as she embraced Sarah before charging right through the horde of monsters, spear first.

Flying around while killing numerous beasts, I flew as high as I could into the sky, exiting the sea of monsters; up above, I looked down and saw nothing but red. If some didn't know any better, they'd mistake this for a red river, yet inside the so-called red river; I spotted what looked like a whirlpool not too far away, though in reality, it was just a swirling mass of monsters.

"Dammit, can't even take a break!" Muttered Marley with a frown while she and Sarah looked beneath them, only to see monsters climbing atop each other as they slowly yet steadily neared them.

"Sarah, how are you doing?" Asked Marley in concern as she glanced at Sarah, using the few seconds of remaining peace they had.

"I-I'm mostly fine, at most just a few shallow scratches." Replied Sarah softly, and although she didn't lie, her pale face and heavy breathing said otherwise.

'Sarah won't last much longer; we've already been fighting straight for nearly a day and a half, and she's at her limit. Any longer, and she may very well collapse; the only reason she's even lasted this long is thanks to the various pills I gave her, but it seems like she's still being exhausted faster than she can recover.' Thought Marley with a frown as she observed the surrounding area, though all she saw was red, the green forest having long since been destroyed.

While looking around, I sensed a creature leap toward us from the little mountain they had created with their own bodies; of course, it died from having its head explode to bits with a single thrust of my spear, but that indicated we'd have to move.

"Spectral Lance!" Whispered Marley as she retracted her spear while infusing Qi into it, specifically at the blade, giving it a slight sheen before thrusting it at the mountain of monsters below.

Seeing my attack pierce into the mountain of monsters as it killed thousands of them before finally dissipating, I clicked my tongue, as while it was a lot, it was merely a drop in the bucket, not changing our situation one bit; only giving Sarah and I few more seconds of respite.

"Here, we go again; brace yourself, Sarah." Said Marley with a hardened gaze as she shot forth toward the whirlpool of monsters.

Entering the sea of monsters once more, I headed toward the center of the whirlpool while killing any creatures I came across the way; when I neared the center, I spotted Idonea killing them with greater ease than me. Usually, I'd be annoyed losing to Idonea, but right now, It wasn't the time or place for such things; besides, when I saw how good she was doing, I couldn't help but smile.

Busting out of the sea of monsters, we neared Idonea, flying over the tens of thousands of corpses Idonea had slain, which was somewhat slowing the creatures down, though only partially.

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