Chapter 26: Meeting Noble Children

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While I was following behind the restaurant manager, the three carriages from earlier made their way out of the crowd towards us; after the carriages stopped, their doors opened, exposing three different people getting out.

Coming out of the Eve carriage was an adorable young girl who didn't look much older than me; her clothes looked similar to mine as our's are both luxurious, and she had her families symbol's stitched on, her blonde hair was tied up into a ponytail behind allowing everyone to fully view her pointed ears.

Stepping out of the Dagmar carriage was a boy who looked slightly older than the young girl from before. He also wore fancy clothes, though I noticed a dagger attached to his waist. Something unusual about him was his short black hair, as almost every Elf I've seen has long hair.

Exiting the Sigurda carriage was a young girl who looked to be of similar age as the boy from before; while her clothes were also luxurious, they were much thinner and showed a good amount of skin, similar to how the matriarch of the Sigurda family wore her clothes.

"I'm Maga Dagmar, the son of Matriarch Dagmar. It's an honor to meet you, Prince Elif." Spoke Maga with a confident and respectful voice while bowing before Elif.

"Allow me to introduce myself; I'm Kare Sigurda, the daughter of Matriarch Sigurda. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prince Elif." Said Kare, with a pleasant voice and a smile on her face while bowing before Elif.

"I'm S-S-Sarah Eve, D-Daughter of Patriarch Eve. It's great to finally meet you, y-your highness." Said Sarah, scared and shy with a shaky voice, while bowing before Elif.

"Address me as Prince Elif Sarah; now, what do you three want?" Said Elif, reprimanding Sarah, causing her to get even more frightened than before.

"Nothing Prince Elif, but since we are of high status as well as in the same generation, it only made sense for us to greet you while getting to know each other better, maybe over some food if that's okay with you, Prince Elif?" Said Kare, trying to make a good impression on Prince Elif.

"I was thinking the same thing as Kare, Prince Elif." Mentioned Maga, realizing what Kare was doing, and tried copying her.

I didn't mind if they accompanied me while eating; actually, I'm curious how interacting with other children will be, as the only non-adult I know is Elaine, and she's only a few months old.

"Sure, I don't care. Manager, is there enough food for us all?" Replied Elif.

"But of course, Prince Elif, I prepared a feast big enough for one-hundred people when I knew of your arrival; adding a few people won't make a difference." Quickly answered the fat Manager while weirdly rubbing his hands together.

Nodding in reply, I continued following the manager while chatting with Kare and Maga, but by the time I reached the entrance of the Pagoda, I noticed Sarah wasn't with us, so I stopped walking and turned around, only to see Sarah looking depressed with her head hanging down while making her way into her carriage.

"Are you not coming with us, Sarah?" Asked Elif, though his words had caught the depressed and sulking Sarah off guard, as she's used to people ignoring her.

"C-CAN I!?" Yelled Sarah, with newfound energy, though still slightly nervous.

"I already said I don't care, so hurry up if you wish to join; I don't have all day; mother said I must return home before dusk." Answered Elif. However, his words brought so much joy to Sarah that she momentarily forgot about her status as a noble and ran to catch up with Elif.

"T-Thanks, Prince Elif." Said Sarah, embarrassed at how she had just displayed herself.

I nodded in response and finally entered the Pagoda with them following me; the inside of the Pagoda was beautiful with various small trees, paintings, and statues placed around the area, though while there were a lot of tables and chairs for people to sit, I noticed not a single person was present, except for people that worked here.

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