Chapter 138: Leaving?

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After we all apologized to Eyvor, we conversed for a little while before everyone decided to leave and return to their residence, which I happily encouraged as I wished to relax for the remaining night while not having to think about anything.

When it was just Illumia and I left, I headed toward my room and flopped on the bed, which wasn't nearly as comfortable as my royal bed, but it was still fairly enjoyable. While lying on the bed, I stared at the ceiling before closing my eyes while simulating sleep, which I, unfortunately, can no longer do after becoming a Saint; sleeping is no longer considered a necessity for cultivators, and even though I can simulate sleep, it's not nearly the same.

Only after resting for several hours did I finally awaken, though I would've preferred to stay sleeping; the sunlight was shining directly on my face, making it very annoying to stay resting in this position.

'Haa, well, that was quite enjoyable. Though, It would've been better if I could snuggle with Elaine.' Mused Elif as he hopped out of bed while stretching before exiting his room and heading toward the first floor.

When I arrived on the first floor, to my surprise, both Marley and Idonea were present; granted, they still had a substantial amount of injuries wrapped in silk bandages; however, I could tell at a single glance that all of the more severe injuries had healed. Not like I had inflicted that many serious injuries on them; most of the injuries had been minor; there were just a lot of them.

"Tch, well, well, well, look who decided to appear before my presence." Remarked Elif dryly as he sat down in the back courtyard while eyeing Idonea and Marley.

"Your Highness." Stated both Marley and Idonea as they gave a slight bow toward Elif while Illumia smirked in amusement.

"So I've assumed you've learned your lesson? I won't need to discipline you two again, will I?" Questioned Elif as he drank tea prepared by Illumia while manifesting a large purple palm above himself, intimidating the two women.

"N-Not at all, your Highness! We've learned from our mistakes." Replied Marley nervously with a bow while not once taking her eyes off the purple palm.

"Yes, we will not make the same mistake twice." Said Idonea, much calmer than Marley, though she too would constantly glance at the purple palm with slight traces of nervousness.

"Hmph, good, and since we are speaking about this topic, why were the two of you fighting each other? When I asked the two of you about it last time, neither answered." Said Elif as he dissipated the purple palm.

Observing the two of them, I noticed how they looked at each other; though neither of them took the opportunity to speak, both seemed to come to some agreement.

"Fine, keep your little secrets; I'm not even that interested anymore." Added Elif with a frown while dismissively waving his hand, his words causing the two of them to sigh in relief and happiness.

"So, how was the banquet, Your Highness?" Asked Marley curiously, though her main objective was to change the topic to something different.

"It was okay; the banquet itself was good, though the after-party was quite annoying. Numerous fights nearly occurred between several different people, mostly men, and since I took it upon myself to stop any fights from erupting, it was highly annoying. I hardly had any time to experience the after-party." Remarked Elif with a frown while sighing in annoyance.

"Maybe if I had two servants during that time, I could've pawned that duty off to them, though unfortunately, that wasn't the case." Added Elif as he glanced at Idonea and Marley, who both felt slightly awkward.

"To be fair, your Highness, it isn't entirely our fault why we couldn't attend the banquet with you; you did beat us until submission, after all." Stated Idonea blandly, though her words resulted in Elif glaring at her.

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