Chapter 187: Help Finally Arrives!

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"Umm, Idonea; I don't mean to be a bearer of bad news, but they're catching up to us." Said Sarah hesitantly while wrapped over Idonea's shoulder, looking behind them as she viewed several beasts closing in on them despite her flying as fast as she could.

"I already know; I can see them through my divine sense." Replied Idonea with an ugly expression as she glanced behind her, spotting several flying and running beasts chasing behind her.

'This isn't good; the moment the first Divine monster appeared, I had a feeling this might happen; however, I thought if we left early enough, they wouldn't catch up to us, at least not this quickly.' Thought Idonea while eyeing the numerous monsters, which all radiated the power of at least a Divine King.

If it were just one monster with the strength of a Divine King, I'd be confident in surviving for some time, especially considering they're mindless well, at least most of them are mindless; the one that injured Marley didn't seem to be as dumb as the rest of them, since it actually dodged her attack. Either way, if any of them happens to be even somewhat intelligent, we're finished.

"Sarah, take this." Said Idonea as she summoned the crystal ball that contained Elif's Heavenly Scar before handing it to Sarah.

"A-Are sure I should have this? What happens if I miss? What if I possibly injure or, even worse, kill one of you?" Questioned Sarah timidly as she carefully held the crystal ball while warily looking at the monsters in the distance.

"You won't miss unless you are facing the complete opposite way. Also, if the worst-case scenario happens, and one of us ends up dying, it's not like it's the end of the world; that attack can't harm souls, or at least Marley and my souls. His Highness had given us a small piece of his soul, so in case we happen to get caught up in the attack, it would destroy our body, but it would ignore our soul. If that does happen, it's fine; our physical bodies can always be reforged." Stated Idonea calmly as she looked at Sarah; well, she at least tried to; all she got was a face full of her butt.

"I-I understand; If it really comes down to it, I-I won't hesitant to use!" Replied Sarah solemnly as she glanced at the gravely injured Marley, hardening her resolve though she still sounded a little uncertain.

"Relax, Sarah, this is just a precaution, though make sure you're far away from the attack area. His Highness gave Marley and I a piece of his soul, not you; you'll die, soul and all." Said Idonea seriously while Sarah swiftly nodded, looking like a bird pecking a tree.

"A precaution that'll most likely happen." Muttered Idonea silently with a frown as she sensed the beasts closing in on them, knowing she'd eventually be forced to fight them.

There wasn't much I could do right now; while we didn't have any useful pills given our predicament, we did have a few artifacts and talisman that could help us out, but it wasn't enough. Every few seconds, a new monster appears in the range of my divine sense, and even if I used everything I had as optimally as I could, It still wouldn't be enough to save us, though hopefully, it could prolong our survival, at least until their Highnesses arrive.

As the minutes rolled by, the monsters chasing us that previously numbered only a hundred or so had now entered the thousands and continued increasing rapidly; not to mention, they were very close to us now.

'Tch, if I continue flying, I'll just waste more Qi before I'm forced to eventually engage in combat with them.' Thought Idonea aa; she looked behind her, only to see a horde of monsters chasing her in the air and on land.

"Sarah, get ready to fly some distance away with Marley; I'm about to fight them; hopefully, I can hold them at bay for some time." Remarked Idonea with a hardened gaze as she suddenly threw both of them forward while she turned around and faced the approaching horde.

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