Chapter 115: Fairyopolis

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Looking at the four women, I could tell my words didn't affect Illumia much nor Idonea and Marley, though I could tell the two of them were slightly hurt by my statement, even if they knew what I said was true. Eyvor, on the other hand, seemed more hurt than surprised; however, before anyone of them could reply, Edvin, who had arrived nearby a while ago, interrupted.

"I came here to congratulate you on your win Prince Elif; however, I couldn't help but overhear your incredibly arrogant statement." Remarked Edvin with a frown as he eyed Elif, though internally, he was pretty satisfied when he noticed Eyvors hurt expression.

"Arrogance is all based on perspective; a commoner claiming to be very knowledgeable would be arrogant, but if a scholar were to make such a claim, it would be considered pride." Stated Elif with his usual tranquility, his previous prideful expression having disappeared.

"Hmm, I can't deny such words; however, your personality doesn't live up to your arrogance." Said Edvin with a nod of his head.

"Unlike all the other arrogant children from powerful backgrounds who feel the need to display their superiority over everyone else constantly, I find no reason to. What would be the point? I don't gain anything from being praised by a bunch of people who are beneath me other than satisfying my narcissistic ego. I'm not like those fools who need to constantly remind everyone that they are superior to everyone else when deep down they know they aren't; otherwise, they wouldn't need to do such a thing." Stated Elif pridefully, though his words struck the hearts of several people, and Edvin was one of them.

"That is a unique mindset you have, Prince Elif, something I'm sure many other people could learn from; however, I still find your earlier statement to be incredibly arrogant. Claiming to be superior to everyone else in the OverRealm is borderline insane, especially if your only known merit is losing in a tournament." Replied Edvin with a neutral expression, as he pretty much just called Elif insane, prompting Marley to stare intensely at him in anger though she didn't do anything as she didn't wish to be reprimanded by Elif.

"Well, I suppose when I look at it from that angle, you're not wrong, though as you can see, the only person who'll have ever bested me in battle is now my follower. Besides, I don't know if you've heard, but apparently, Prince Ivan of the Heavenly Empire is hunting down an Angel, so I planned to introduce myself to him if you know what I mean." Said Elif calmly with a smile while pointing toward Marley, though from the tone of his voice, he clearly didn't see Ivan as a threat, and to those close to him, they knew he merely saw Ivan as a source of entertainment.

"Anyway, Edvin, if you don't mind, I'd like to continue touring the Fairy Clan. If you will, Eyvor." Added Elif as he stood up and gestured to the pondering Eyvor, breaking her out of her train of thought.

"Ahh, yes, after everything that's happened, I'd forgotten what we were doing before." Said Eyvor with a forced smile as clarity returned to her eyes.

"We shall see you at tonight's banquet, Edvin." Added Eyvor sternly as she looked at Edvin with a dangerous glint before she flew off into the sky, Elif and his group following her.



Watching them fly off into the distance, I couldn't help but wear an ugly expression; the plan to humiliate Prince Elif before Eyvor had failed; no, if it had just failed, I wouldn't be so angry. I had gathered a couple of decently talented and experienced clan members, and even after giving them a powerful battle formation, they still were defeated, not to mention that Prince Elif managed to force his way out of an illusion he was trapped.

'It would be one thing if Prince Elif managed to defend against the illusion; while that would be an impressive feat, it wouldn't be anything outstanding. However, I'm lucky I was cool-headed and didn't foolishly challenge Prince Elif to a duel; otherwise, I would've been humiliated before Eyvor. Still, the might he displayed during the battle was far greater than anything I could produce; if I continue with my plans, It'll, without a doubt, backfire. However, before I change my plans, I should do something I should've done first, learn more about him.' Thought Edvin as he opened his eyes and flew off the coliseum while heading in a different direction than Eyvor, Elif, and his followers.

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