Chapter 147: Revenge?/ Volume 5, Part 1 End!

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"Anyways, Prince Elif, what are your plans after this? Do you still intend to confront Prince Ivan?" Asked Eyvor curiously, her words shifting Elif to the center of attention.

"I plan to visit the Divine Phoenix Clan since they sent me an invitation letter a few years ago, and until now, I haven't been given the privilege of leaving the Empire. However, I still intend to confront Ivan; meeting someone from an Immortal Hegemony should be somewhat interesting; besides, I've heard rumors that he is supposedly tracking an Angel, and I wouldn't mind meeting one if the opportunity presents itself." Replied Elif with a small smile of interest while fanning himself with his purple and black quạt tay.

"Well, do be careful, Prince Elif; I've heard that Prince Ivan is a very lustful individual, and considering beautiful women surround you, I wouldn't be surprised if he attempts something." Advised Shelia while glancing at Mandy, Illumia, Marley, and Idonea, though Elif merely chuckled in response.

"He is welcome to try; however, it'll only end in his destruction. Besides, I highly doubt he is stupid and arrogant enough to antagonize me over something like that, at least not on our first contact." Said Elif with a slight smirk before shaking his head.

"That may be so, but you never know these days; descendants from Immortal Hegemonies are always weird." Remarked Birger, his words causing everyone to chuckle slightly while Elif blankly stared at him.

"Alright, I wouldn't mind continuing this conversation; but I must get going; I've already informed the Divine Phoenix Clan of my arrival, and I don't wish to be late." Said Elif lightly before approaching Patriarch and Matriarch in the near distance.

"I appreciate you having me, Patriarch Aasveig; I mostly had a wonderful time." Said Elif while looking at Patriarch, who was awkwardly smiling.

"It was an honor to have your presence, Prince Elif, and the experience was unique, to say the least." Replied Patriarch Aasveig while smiling, neither bringing up what happened during the first banquet.

"And It was a pleasure meeting you, Matriarch Aasveig." Said Elif while shifting his eyes toward Matriarch Aasveig, who was to the right of Patriarch Aasveig.

"I wish I could say the same, Prince Elif." Replied Matriarch softly while eyeing Elif through her fake smile, her words startling Patriarch.

Hearing Matriarch's response left me slightly stunned, as while I've noticed she seemed to dislike me, I didn't think she would be bold enough to say it to my face; however, I didn't mind it one bit if anything, I found it somewhat respectable.

"Hehe; I quite like your boldness, Matriarch Aasveig." Remarked Elif lightly while chuckling as he began walking toward his carriage.

While heading toward my carriage, I signaled toward everyone, which prompted Illumia to open the carriage door so I may enter the carriage; once I was inside the carriage, Idonea, Marley, and Illumia followed right after while Mandy and her guards surrounded the carriage.

Moving the curtain, I looked out the window, though I didn't use my divine sense as I had a feeling Edvin was in the vicinity, and I didn't wish to kill him right before leaving the Fairy Clan, forming some bad blood between us; not to mention I was in a pretty good mood. So, I decided it would be best to stay ignorant of his actual location; besides, I don't know for sure he is present; it's just a hunch.

"Whenever I decide to host a party, I'll make sure to invite you all." Declared Elif with a smirk while eyeing Eyvor, Birger, Goliath, Echo, and Shelia.

"Considering you attended my party, I can't possibly refuse." Said Eyvor lightly while smiling.

"You know I'll attend, Prince Elif; I still haven't won Sarah's heart yet!" Stated Birger, though his words caused Marley to snort in annoyance.

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