Chapter 155: Astonishing Discovery

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I had expected to merely view these memories from a third-person perspective; I didn't think that I would actually experience the memory as if I were there living it. It was slightly weird at first, experiencing something from the eyes of ones that aren't your own, but I quickly got accustomed to it, though what I couldn't get accustomed to was the fact that I could vividly feel every emotion the person whose memory this originates from.

It wasn't painful or anything, but it was uncomfortable; thankfully, the emotions seemed to have been severely damped, hardly even affecting me, though it was still a sensation I wasn't fond of.

'It seems this memory comes from that of a little girl, though who knows which ancestor this could be.' Thought Elaine in intrigue as she experienced the morning routine of Lourdes.

This specific memory was from the Primordial epoch, a time when cultivation wasn't yet discovered until the very end of that epoch, and from what I can view from this child's eyes, it seems cultivation hasn't been discovered, or at least widespread.

When she finally finished her morning routine, which was quite extensive, she exited her room and began walking down the hallway while several guards followed behind her.

'That's quite a lot of guards, though I suppose back then when everyone was merely a mortal, quantity was more powerful than quality.' Thought Elaine while viewing the palace hallways through Lourdes's eyes, only to get shocked when she noticed a servant bow towards her.

I didn't think much of that servant as she walked by, but the moment she bowed to me or the person's memory I'm currently occupied in, I was utterly shocked by what I saw. I couldn't even formulate coherent thoughts; all I could do was mindlessly stare at the servant's forehead, which had a golden star symbolizing Royal Elves or Elven Royalty. It was only until the servant left that I finally snapped out of my astonishment, but even so, I didn't know what to think; I had just laid eyes on a Royal Elf who was obviously not of Royal descent.

I continued walking through the hallway while passing numerous servants and guards; in doing so, I made sure to look for the golden star mark every single time, and to my dismay, each and every Elf I laid my eyes on carried the golden star mark with them.

'Is the Royal bloodline a lie?' Thought Elaine as various complicated emotions arose in her heart.

When I or I should say the little girl, approached a heavily guarded door, each guard carrying the golden star mark, they said a name that caused me to be nearly as shocked as I saw the first servant.

'L-Lourdes!? Did I hear that correctly!? Am I experiencing the memories of Progenitor Lourdes herself!?' Exclaimed Elaine in disbelief.

Although I found it hard to believe, given the time period and the fact that no Royal Elf would dare name their child Lourdes, I knew it must be Progenitor Lourdes whose memories I was currently experiencing.

As I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts, I missed the conversation with the guard, and now we were already inside the room, which seemed to be a debate room or something of that nature, from how many seats and people there were. While looking around at the numerous people, my eyes momentarily stopped on two people: one was the man sitting at the head of the circular table, and the second person was a woman sitting beside another very old woman.

'Her eyes, they sort of remind me of Sarah's eyes.' Thought Elaine as she eyed the Elven women.

Anyways, once Progenitor Lourdes was discovered by the group, I listened to the conversation before the King, Progenitor Lourdes's Father, had her sit in the queen's seat. Once I sat down, the king's next words caused me to focus intently as he brought up an essential matter.

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