Chapter 119: Banquet Officially Begins!

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"Anyways, let's change topics; this isn't necessarily the time nor place where I should be explaining my romantic life to you, not like you really need to know either." Said Elif as he placed the bowl of lighting cherries where it previously was since people began sitting down at the table, signifying that the banquet would be commencing.

"Hmm, what was this about romantic life, Prince Elif?" Asked Eyvor curiously, having overheard Elif's words while approaching her seat directly next to his.

"Ahh, nothing much, Eyvor; I was just explaining to Illumia that she should find a romantic partner; she is getting old, and it'll be harder for her to find a man. Or a woman; as a man, I definitely wouldn't mind if you were interested in the same sex." Replied Elif as he playfully winked at Illumia.

"For your information, I'm quite young relative to my cultivation base; also, I prefer men, though I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to settling down with a woman, If I can not find the man for me." Stated Illumia blandly while her eyebrow twitched in annoyance at Elif's words.

"Ho, I didn't know that you swung both ways, Illumia, though with me present, you don't need to worry about not finding the right man; since you're my maid, I don't mind taking care of you." Stated Elif with a playful smirk as he blew a kiss toward Illumia, to which she reacted by doing nothing and just blankly stared at Elif.

"I appreciate the offer; however, you should know I'm not interested in young men." Replied Illumia with her own smirk, causing Elif's face to now twitch in annoyance.

"Hmph, fine Illumia, since you wish to be foolish and deny such a blessed opportunity, I will not force it upon you but don't expect this offer to remain on the table. Servants, am I right, Eyvor?" Declared Elif in an annoyed tone before ignoring Illumia and looking at the amused Eyvor to his left.

"I don't know, Prince Elif; you and Ms. Illumia seem to have a very close relationship. Excuse me if I'm asking too personal of a question, but do you two have a more intimate relationship?" Replied Eyvor with an unnatural smile as she suspiciously eyed the two of them, her words causing Elif to nearly spit out his drink while Illumias opened her eyes in shock.

"I-Intimate relationship!? I don't know where you came up with that idea, but if you're implying that Illumia and I have a secret sexual relationship, you're sorely mistaken. Of the eight years I've known Illumia, I've seen everything there is about her, and I can say that the only thing remotely attractive is her body." Declared Elif in playful seriousness as he eyed Eyvor, though his poor choice of words wasn't really convincing.

"I must agree with His Highness on this, Ms. Eyvor; I've known him since he was merely four, and while he may have an appearance that puts Incubi to shame, I'm sure you've heard the phrasing, don't judge a book by its cover." Declared Illumia earnestly, though while she sounded slightly more convincing than Elif, her words didn't have the desired effect.

"I-I see." Replied Eyvor with a forced smile, though it was apparent to both that she didn't fully believe their words.

"Seriously, Eyvor, we are not in a relationship; if some rumors start spreading that Illumia and I are in a sexual relationship, it could quite be quite bad for her if Mother and Father find out." Said Elif with an expression of sincerity as he looked at Eyvor, this time sounding much more convincing than before.

"I understand; I didn't believe the two of you to be in an intimate relationship. It's just over the past day I've noticed you two seem to complement each other quite well, so I was merely curious. I apologize for asking." Said Eyvor with a slightly blushed face while apologetically smiling.

"It's fine; I don't mind that you asked; I just can't have you thinking we're in some type of relationship." Stated Elif as his demeanor returned to normal.

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