Chapter 20: Elif's First Sparring Session!

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Waking up, I sit up yawning before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom to clean myself; after about half an hour, I exit the bathroom and start cultivating as I still have time before breakfast.

'There we go, just advance another minor realm; now I'm at the late stage of Foundation Establishment.' Thought Elif as he opened his eyes and started feeling the increase in power, though the door opened in the middle of him, testing his strength.

"Your highness, it's time for breakfast." Said Illumia after opening the door without prior warning, which allowed her to see the strange scene of Elif trying to break a part of his bed.

"Make sure to knock next time; what if I was cultivating or naked?" Responded Elif, annoyed at how Illumia had just barged into his room.

Getting off my bed, I left my room and headed toward the dining room with Illumia following behind me; when I arrived, everyone was already present and was just waiting for me.

"Get a good night's rest, Elif?" Asked Maria as she helped Elif into his seat, which he was still too short for.

"Yeah, it was good. I also advanced to the late stage of the Foundation Establishment realm this morning." Replied Elif as he started eating his food while waving at Elaine, who was currently being held in Marcus's arms.

"That's good; just make sure to use those pills we gave you unless you want to strengthen your foundation yourself." Said Marcus as he fed Elaine small pieces of food, as she had just started growing out of the breastfeeding phase.

"Ohh, I forget about them; I'll use them; I don't want to waste time strengthening my foundation if some pills can do it instead." Answered Elif with a mouth full of food, causing Maria to shake her head at Elif's lack of etiquette as a Royal Elf.

We continued eating and chatting for a while, but we eventually finished all the food and left as some of us still had some things to do.

"I'm going back to my room to cultivate; bye." Said Elif as he quickly ran out of the dining hall heading towards his room to get his sword he had forgotten about.

"Ha, sorry about that; I'll remember to keep you with me from now on." Said Elif as he apologized to his sheathed partner in his hands.

Releasing a sigh, I was about to start cultivating again, but then I thought, since I now have a weapon, I should get accustomed to using it, and what better way to get comfortable with it than to do it while fighting, so I asked the only person available who I knew could fight.

"Hey, Illumia, can you teach me to fight or something similar?" Asked Elif while pointing his sword at Illumia, who had gained a smile from hearing Elif's question.

"I was wondering when you'd ask me that, and yes, I would be glad to teach you how to fight. However, if you wish to spar, we should go to the training grounds." Answered Illumia with a smile while bowing.

"Lead the way then, as I've never been to the training grounds, so I don't know where it's at." Stated Elif in mild excitement as he hopped off his bed and followed behind Illumia, who was already walking away.

As I followed behind Illumia, we eventually made it out of the maze of identical hallways and arrived outside, though the moment we did, I could hear loud shouting in the distance.

"What's with all the shouting going on?" Asked Elif as he walked down the pathway littered with beautiful vegetation till he eventually made it to a vast open area filled with nothing but men and women training.

"Welcome to the training grounds, your highness." Announced Illumia with a slight smile as she watched Elif's reaction.

I could see hundreds of Elves training intensely; a portion of them was fighting against a statue that fought back, others were fighting amongst each other, and some were training in a big formation.

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