Chapter 195: Elif's Demise

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Seeing the monster embrace this realm's atmosphere, I internally cursed and begrudgingly regained my balance off of Elaine's body and floated in the air with my ravaged body as I slowly approached the creature.

"Ugh, t-this isn't good; the monster finally entered our realm; what do we do now, Brother?" Asked Elaine with an ugly expression as she grasped Orcus while following beside Elif, only for him to pressure her with his Qi, immobilizing her.

"WE aren't doing anything; I will be facing this monster in combat while you retreat far away to safety. Understand?" Stated Elif angrily as he glared at Elaine, though his words didn't sound very convincing given his state.

"Fight the monster? That creature nearly killed you, Brother! If it weren't for me arriving in time, you'd be dead!" Yelled Elaine angrily while tears threatened to escape her eyes as she looked at Elif, though he promptly ignored her words.

"I don't care what you have to say, Elaine; I'm the older sibling, so that means you must listen to my words. Now, leave this area before things escalate; don't make me repeat myself for a third time." Ordered Elif solemnly as he released Elaine from his suppression and floated towards the monster, only to suddenly grab his chest in pain while nearly falling from the sky.

'D-Dammit, I'm overusing the forbidden technique; it's placing too much strain on my body. J-Just hold out a little longer; you can collapse after Elaine's gotten far enough away.' Thought Elif, breathing heavily as he caught himself in the air while clutching his chest just above his heart.

Taking a deep breath, I ignored the pain throughout my body and stood back up as I focused on the monster, though I looked back to make sure Elaine was gone, and in the distance, I spotted Elaine's figure speedily flying away. Seeing that, I involuntarily released a sigh of relief, but I stopped myself from relaxing, as I knew if I did, I might very well collapse right now, and I couldn't do that, not yet, at least.

Approaching the monster, who was still stabbed with my sword, he finally noticed my presence and displayed a cruel, bloodthirsty smile as he attempted to pressure me with his superior cultivation base; despite resisting his Qi, I was forced toward the ground, no longer able to stay flying.

Crashing into the ground, I firmly planted my feet onto the grass beneath my feet; even with my terrible condition, I refused to kneel; not even at death's door would I kneel, and as I looked at the monster, I found solace in the fact he seemed annoyed reluctance to kneel.

"Tch, why don't you kneel, ELF!" Yelled the purple monster in a deep voice as he eyed Elif while practically roaring in rage, pressuring him with nearly all of his Qi, yet nothing changed; he continued standing while resisting the powerful pressure placed upon his broken and battered body.

"Heh, your attempts are futile; I advise you to give up. you're just wasting our time, and unlike you, my time is rather precious." Remarked Elif with a mocking smirk, one that infuriated the monster to no end as he appeared before Elif and punched him in the face, sending him crashing through the thousands of trees before finally colliding with a large mountain in the distance.

'Ugh, that hurt; pretty sure he broke my jaw and my nose. Tch, bastard, how dare such an ugly creature harm my perfect face.' Mused Elif in anger as he realigned his jaw and nose before exiting from the mountain, though he couldn't get far since the monster suddenly appeared before him.

The monster didn't even give me a chance to speak before grabbing me by the neck and lifting me into the air until we were at eye level, allowing me to stare into his monstrous eyes that were filled with nothing but cruelty and sadism.

"If you're expecting me to beg for my life, think again; I'd rather kill myself than ever beg anyone." Said Elif with a prideful grin, despite being choked to death as he fearless looked into the monster's eyes.

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