Chapter 54: The World Plots / Volume 2 End!

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While Elif had been brought back to the Royal castle and was getting treated by Lynda, a conversation was taking place somewhere far, far away, mainly centered around Elif and his display of power during the tournament.

Occupying an entire mountain region was what looked like a city, and while you could call it such, it wasn't a city; it was a clan that had survived since the Primordial Epoch and was on equal standing as the Immortal Elven Empire—the Immortal Dragon Clans' residency.

Most living beings currently situated within the Immortal Dragon Clans territory were either a member of the Dragon clan or were servants of the Dragon clan; anyone not affiliated with the Dragon clan was not allowed to set foot in their domain as they believed they were a superior species, so no other race should be allowed entry on their territory, any beings who are caught trespassing are usually enslaved if not immediately killed.

As you go deeper into the Dragon Clans' territory, you will see large scaly four-legged creatures with wings coming out their back and horns sprouting out their head, either walking or flying about, and these creatures were known as Dragons. Every now and then, you would see different but similar creatures, such as a Dragon with no wings or a Dragon with its wings connected to its front legs, and while they are considered Dragons, their blood is diluted, so they are usually looked down upon by any of the True Dragons. There are other types of dragons with diluted blood, such as the Lindwurm, Wyrm, and Amphiptere; however, they are usually exiled from the Dragon Clan for looking too different compared to a typical Dragon.

Once you've gone deep enough into the Dragons Clans territory, you will come across the largest mountain within the mountain range. Atop said mountain is a large castle that gives off a feeling of nothing but pride and power, something different compared to the Royal Elven castle. Going inside the castle and stopping just before the throne room, which is currently closed off by two giant doors depicting an entire story in its drawings, however, ignoring the doors and stepping inside the throne room, you would see nothing but statues of dragons lining the sides of the throne room.

On the other side of the throne room, you would see a giant throne with a man covered in scales along with claws, a tail, and three horns pointing to the sky sitting on it. At the same time, a young girl of similar appearance stands before him as both watch a recording of Elif battling against Marley.

"Tiamat, what are your thoughts on the Crown Prince of the Elven Empire?" Asked the man emotionlessly as he tapped the throne with his claw while waiting for Tiamat to respond.

"Prince Elif is an incredibly talented, powerful, and prideful cultivator, capable of fighting talented cultivators two major realms above his own cultivation base, along with having an even greater talent with the way of the sword; those are my thoughts, father." Said Tiamat while she held back her arrogance and replied truthfully, something very challenging for a Dragon to do when required to analyze a race they believe to be beneath them.

"Hmm, tell me, Tiamat, if you were to fight Prince Elif right now, would you win? Your cultivation base is the same as his, so it should be no problem. You're a Dragon, after all?" Asked the man while still showing no emotion.

"N-N-No, father, I don't have much confidence in winning." Said Tiamat with anger and hatred, since to a dragon, claiming to be inferior to someone from a different species is worse than dying.

"So now that you've witnessed someone the same age as you performing better, are you finally going to stop lazing around and start taking cultivation seriously?" Questioned the man seriously as he looked over at Tiamat for the first time.

"Yes! Having someone the same age as I achieve things I could not is beyond infuriating, and knowing he is just some Elf, makes me want to kill myself." Answered Tiamat with resolve and a newfound determination as she eyed Elif, who had just gotten stabbed by Marley's spear.

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