Chapter 55: Loss & Knowledge / Volume 3 Start!

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Opening my eyes from the beautiful nap I was in, I quickly realized I was currently inside the royal doctor's office while Elaine peacefully slept beside me, though when I looked closely at her, I could see tear marks on her cheeks.

'Haa, it will be rough when she wakes up.' Thought Elif while using his divine sense to inspect his body's condition.

All the more severe injuries I sustained have perfectly healed; there're only minor injuries on my body right now, though I still feel sore in some places. Carefully sitting up, I float off the bed and land next to the table in the distance before picking up Hokori and placing him inside my dimension ring.

"Illumia, how long have I been unconscious?" Asked Elif while sitting on a chair, waiting for Elaine to wake up.

"You've been unconscious for approximately ten hours, your highness. Ms. Lynda quickly healed your injuries, but it took some time for the healing herbs to take effect and regain your lost blood, which caused you to stay unconscious longer." Said Illumia with a slight bow after appearing out of nowhere beside Elif.

"Hmm, I see." Replied Elif as he put on a thinking expression.

While I was in the midst of thinking, I heard the door open, and walking inside was both father and mother, though I already knew it was them as I had sensed them with my divine sense. They both sat down in front of me, and the next thing I knew, I was suddenly transported into my mother's arms, something which hadn't happened in quite some time.

"Why are you feeling down, Elif? You're usually carefree. Is it because you lost?" Asked Maria as she tried cheering up Elif, who was sitting in her lap.

"No, I've lost plenty of time whenever I spar against Illumia; it's because I lost to someone I had a chance at winning against. If only I had achieved sword aura earlier." Said Elif while letting out a sad sigh.

"I'm glad you're not taking this loss too bad, but you shouldn't have that thought process. You can't change what's already happened, and making up 'what ifs' scenarios are a waste of time. It's better to learn from the loss and improve yourself to make sure you never lose again, and besides, it's not like your mother, and I haven't ever suffered a loss, so you're not alone." Stated Marcus, while trying to paint the bigger picture for Elif.

"Haa, I know, father, but that doesn't mean I like the feeling of losing; the only reason why I don't feel bad when I lose against Illumia is that I knew I never had a chance of beating her in the first place, it wasn't like that for this match." Mentioned Elif as he shared his thoughts.

"Welp, there's nothing you can do about it, and as Marcus said, it's pointless to dwell on the loss; the emotion you're feeling right now is merely temporary; within a day or two, you'll have moved past this little loss and continued with your life. So, for now, relax; you're still not fully healed, and didn't you promise you'll play with Elaine for an entire week after the tournament?" Declared Maria with a smile as she ruffled Elif's hair and poked his cheek, much to Elif's annoyance.

'I'd completely forgotten about that promise; good thing mother reminded me, and speaking of Elaine, here she comes right now.' Thought Elif feeling slightly embarrassed as he reached his hand out and mobilized his Qi to catch the leaping Elaine in mid-air.

"BROTHER!!" Yelled Elaine in happiness while tears began forming in her eyes.

"You love ignoring my advice, don't you? I've told you you can't always jump at me like that." Said Elif smiling with a shake of his head while releasing a defeated sigh as he knew his warnings would again be ignored.

"Brother, are you ok? You're not hurt, are you? What about the hole in your chest or all the other smaller holes in your body?" Said Elaine as she asked a barrage of questions, not even giving Elif a second to answer.

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