Chapter 53: The Outcome!

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Since we were still in the middle of battle, I didn't wait until Marley regained her focus and instantly attacked her with a Heavenly scar in combination with my sword aura, increasing its power significantly. As my attack neared Marley's position, she broke out of her stupor before quickly stopping my attack by stabbing at the incoming sword wave, though compared to before, I could tell Marley had to truly try to stop my attack.

'Sword aura is indeed powerful.' Thought Elif, feeling surprised and excited at the power his attack displayed.

I was about to follow up my attack with another one, but I saw an angry Marley rapidly approaching my position before I could. She unleashed numerous high-speed attacks with her spear when she arrived near me. Even with my incredible agility, I still couldn't evade them all, as a few of them managed to pierce into my already injured body. The pain was intense, but I fought through it and continued to evade each attack until I launched another Heavenly scar at her, using this chance to back away from her and gain some distance while also attacking with a couple of Heavenly scars to keep her at bay.

Quickly gathering my breath, I took a deep breath and began performing the Fairy Sword Dance as I made my way to the incoming Marley; the moment we collided, we both unleashed an onslaught of attacks. Marley, with the rapid attacks of her piercing spear that's also coated in what I believe to be spear intent, while I'm sending out wave after wave of real and illusory sword attack, with Hokori also being covered in sword aura. Every time Marley thrust her spear at me, my own attack would always intercept it before it managed to get too close to me. In contrast, every time I attacked, it would similarly get blocked by an attack of Marley's spear, resulting in us getting stuck in this never-ending cycle of attacks with neither of us capable of besting the other. Every time our weapons clashed, the amount of power released from each exchange caused the entire coliseum to shake violently, making it feel like a realm quake was constantly taking place.

This even exchange of battle went on for far longer than I honestly anticipated it would, but it had to come to an end eventually, and unfortunately, me being the reason why it was forced to end in the first place.

As I was locked in focus against Marley and her attacking spear, I swiftly pulled back Hokori that was just blocked by Marley's spear and prepared to strike out again, though from how this exchange has transpired, I figured I would be forced to stop one of Marley's attack, and I wasn't wrong either. Right when I was about to position Hokori to block Marley's spear, I suddenly felt dizzy and lightheaded, causing me to become slightly sluggish, which ultimately resulted in me not managing to block Marley's spear, allowing her spear to slip right through my defense and stab me right in the chest, and exiting out my back.

Even though I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded, the sudden sensation of immense pain shook me out of my daze, allowing me to quickly grasp my situation. Still, the dizziness I felt just a second ago returned, this time with it being much more severe, to the point where everything became blurry. Lethargically, grasping Marley's spear, I try attacking Marley with Hokori, but currently, I'm in no state to fight, so she was able to easily block my weak attack after she yanked her spear out of my chest.

Feeling cold air flow through the hole where the spear was just at, I reach up and clutch the bleeding hole while still trying to actively fight against Marley; however, I've already scanned my body with my divine sense, and even knowing that my chances of winning were now zero, giving up never once appeared in my head, definitely not when my family was watching me, especially Elaine.

With blurry vision, I focused on Marley as she stood before me while arrogantly looking down at me, only sporting a moderate amount of injuries.

"You've lost Prince Elif, might as well admit defeat to save yourself from further humiliation." Commented Marley arrogantly with a nasty smirk on her face.

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