Chapter 79: Deal!

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Two months had passed while staying in the Colossal sect; I've spent most of my time cultivating as I wished to quickly advance to the Divine realm and escape this spirit realm; unfortunately, I can only cultivate so fast. When I wasn't cultivating, I'd be stalking Comet while trying to figure out his secrets; however, even after two whole months, I've discovered absolutely nothing, which I find pretty baffling, but I was not deterred.

I'd even thought about forcefully reading his soul to learn his secrets, but I ultimately preferred to figure it out without having to result to soul reading, which makes it much more challenging. Also, I couldn't read his soul even if I wanted to, as his soul is being protected by something, which Is quite weird since when I first met him, he didn't have anything to protect his soul.

Though one thing I did learn about him is that, just like all human males, he dramatically enjoys women, so much so that almost every night, he'll have an orgy with his several wives that he brought over from their previous home. Now, while I did say I wouldn't read his soul, that didn't mean I wouldn't read anyone else's soul, and I did just that; I read all of his wife's soul in hopes of finding any information on Comet that I didn't already know, though; unfortunately, I only learned trivial things, like his favorite food and what not.

"Your Highness, May and her father would like an audience with you." Said Idonea, breaking Elif out of his train of thought.

"Ugh, what is it now? No matter how often I reject them, they'll return the next day. Let them in; I'm bored anyways." Replied Elif, feeling quite annoyed at their persistence.

Sitting on the throne while impatiently tapping the armrest, I watch May and her father walk towards me before kneeling on the ground; though I can sense slight reluctance from them, I don't care. I'm a Prince; it's only natural for them to kneel before me.

"What is so important that you've both requested an audience with me for two weeks straight after I continuously rejected you?" Asked Elif, already thinking of what type of punishment to inflict on them if their proposal was utterly terrible, and with how bad the spirit realm is, it most likely would be.

"Your Highness I-"

"It's Prince Elif."

"M-My deepest apologies Prince Elif. However, the reason why we have been seeking an audience with you is that several other powerful forces have been targeting us recently. I was hoping you could merely show yourself before them-" Asked the sect master nervously. However, he was swiftly interrupted when he felt a tremendous amount of pressure cover his body, nearly forcing himself to the ground.

"I must say, you're quite bold in asking me to protect your tiny sect." Said Elif as he closed his eyes to ponder something.

'Hmm, if Comet really does care about May as much as he says he does, then this could actually work.' Pondered Elif with a slight smile as he opened his eyes, his face returning to normal while increasing the pressure on May and the Sect Master, causing both of them to get smushed into the ground.

"Do not misunderstand; just because I'm currently staying here doesn't mean I have any attachments to this place; it really doesn't matter to me whether this sect gets destroyed." Said Elif casually, though out of nowhere, he suddenly smiled.

In the distance, the doors are suddenly opened, and entering is Comet; when he noticed May's situation, I sensed his fury, but he didn't do anything impulsive and just stood beside May, staring daggers at me.

"And what do you want?" Asked Elif with a smile while looking at Comet.

"Aren't you someone powerful? Instead of sitting around doing nothing, why not help us!? You could save tens of thousands of lives!" Stated Comet as he pointed at Elif in anger, not even realizing how hypocritical his words sounded.

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