Chapter 64: Auction Ends.

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While I was greatly interested in observing the representatives sent by the six other immortal hegemonies, acquiring the immortal pill was something more critical currently; besides, I was equally interested in the pill anyways.

"Twenty-two thousand spirit stones." Said Elif calmly as he also removed the tint from the glass wall, causing the other six people to look at his booth while various thoughts quickly flashed through their heads.

"Hoho, Prince Elif, it's a pleasure to meet you, though I would prefer it was under better circumstances; however, my Heavenly Empire would appreciate it if you could give us face and allow us the Pill. Twenty-three thousand spirit stones." Said the older man shamelessly with a smile, causing all the bystander's faces to twitch.

"Tch, trying to deceive a young boy with your pathetic tricks is quite disgraceful, but I should've expected such shamelessness since it's coming from the Heavenly Empire. Twenty-four thousand spirit stones." Said the beast woman while talking down to the older man, resulting in his face turning sour from the blatant disrespect before a large audience.

"I do not wish to waste time arguing with everyone over such irrelevant matters. Twenty-five thousand spirit stones." Commented the onyx Golem solemnly with a deep voice.

"You aren't the only one; I still have some important business to take care of after acquiring the pill. Twenty-six thousand spirit stones." Said the Atlantean woman, sounding entirely exhausted as well.

"I'm also currently hosting some guests, so let's speed this little auction along. Thirty-thousand spirit stones." Said Elif with a smile, joining the conversation while significantly increasing the price again, resulting in the price becoming truly expensive.

"Tsk, as a child, you should stay out of important business and let us adults handle it, Prince Elif. Thirty-one thousand spirit stones." Said the demon arrogantly, not taking Elif seriously.

"The Demon Sect must feel quite proud of itself for having a member of the older generation oppress someone from a younger generation. However, I suppose when you don't have someone from the same generation strong enough to confront me, they can only resort to bullying. Thirty-two thousand spirit stones." Replied Elif, sounding even more arrogant than the Demon, garnering the Demon's anger.

"That's very arrogant of you, Prince Elif, but for your information, Young Master Aurora had better things to do than to visit the Crown Prince of the Elven Empire." Responded the demon while looking at Elif with squinted eyes.

"Well, that's good for him, but what makes you think, even if he visited my Empire, that I would pay him any mind? Is he not just another stepping stone for me to walk across on my journey to the top? At the end of the day, a stone is just a stone, even if one is a little more durable than the others." Said Elif, overbearingly arrogant, causing the demon to crush the armrest in anger. However, it's not like he could argue back, as almost everyone affiliated with an Immortal, Divine, and Ancient Hegemony has seen the power Elif displayed during the fight against Marley two years ago.

"Thirty-three thousand spirit stones." Said the Demon as he tried to ignore Elif's presence since he didn't wish to die from foolishly attacking Elif while within his territory.

"You're very prideful, Prince Elif, though, with your background and the power you wield, it makes sense; however, from how you spoke, it sounded like you thought no one within the same generation as you was your equal. Thirty-four thousand spirit stones." Said the Atlantean woman as she deeply observed Elif's body language to catch any falsehood.

"Hmm, I see how there might be some misinterpretation, so It would be best to clarify it. I don't think no one within the same generation is my equal; I know no one within the same generation is my equal." Said Elif casually, though his words caused everyone to look at him with a frown; even the Golem was no exception.

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