Chapter 38: Battle Royale, and Idonea

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After his announcement, the audience began shouting in excitement, and while that was going on, I took that time to regain my composure from sensing that man's power.

"Illumia, what is that man's cultivation base?" Asked Elif, curious how long it would take him to the same level as that man.

"His cultivation base is a late Half-step Celestial." Replied Illumia blandly like usual.

It was my first time hearing the term Half-step Celestial, but even so, I could tell it would take me a while to reach that level, as I'll still need to advance past the Half-step Divine.

'I'm the Crown Prince, yet I don't even know all of the cultivation realms; mother was definitely right.' Thought Elif mockingly to himself.

Once the audience started calming down, the announcer began speaking as he faced directly toward my booth.

"I can tell everyone is excited about the upcoming tournament and getting to witness the power of the younger generation that'll lead our Empire in the far future; however, before we can start the tournament, we have an incredibly important guest and participant. That's right, I'm sure everyone here knows about it, and we're all excited to witness him in action, ladies and gentlemen, the Crown Prince of the Immortal Elven Empire, PRINCE ELIF!!"

I didn't think they would announce my presence, but I honestly should have expected that; however, instead of the audience screaming and shouting in delight, everyone stood up quietly before bowing to me, this time it wasn't just the Elves that bowed; every other species bowed as well.

"Continue with the tournament." Replied Elif as he caused his voice to travel throughout the entire coliseum since he was much more interested in the tournament than a bunch of people bowing to him.

When I spoke, everyone stopped bowing and sat back down quietly while the announcer began doing his job.

"Now then, since the Prince wishes for the tournament to start quickly, I shall skip all the useless talking and get right into it. Because of the increase in contestants, there will be six battle royale tournaments to narrow down the number of participants to a more reasonable number; then, after that, the tournament will return back to normal with a double-elimination style tournament. Now, let us start the first phase, contestants in tournament one. Will you please step out onto the arena?"

Lucky for me, the announcer skipped useless talking and only informed everyone of basic information before immediately asking all of the contestants scheduled for the first battle royale tournament to gather in the arena while flying into the sky above.

Instantly after I saw several people fly out from different locations in the coliseum before landing on the arena, some of the children looked confident as they scanned their opponents while others seemed quite nervous about their situation; however, by the time I had scanned all of the contestants, I was disappointed.

"Ugh, boring, the highest cultivation base is only a Late Saint Lord, this fight is a waste of time, my time." Complained Elif in annoyance as he continued eating some lighting cherries.

"While it may be true everyone one of them is considerably weaker than you, your highness, it is still a good opportunity to watch other battles and learn from their mistakes or their feats." Advised Illumia, trying to get Elif to pay attention.

As much as I didn't want to watch the battle, what Illumia said was correct, and besides, gaining more fighting experience was the whole reason why I even bothered to participate in this tournament.

'Still, I would prefer to watch some of the more powerful nobles fight.' Pondered Elif as he sighed to himself before once again paying attention to the arena below.

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