Chapter 103: Birthday Shopping

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"If you don't mind me asking, your Highness, what type of gift did you have in mind for Eyvor?" Asked Marley curiously while following behind Elif as he led the way to the Royal treasury.

"Well, I obviously plan to give her some cultivation resources; however, those will merely be appetizers compared to the main gift." Replied Elif with a smirk that was hidden away by his quạt tay.

"So, what is the main gift you speak of, your Highness?" Asked Marley, her curiosity burning.

"Don't know." Answered Elif casually, though his nonchalant demeanor caused Marley's face to twitch.

"Don't give me that look, Marley. The invitation arrived today; did you really expect me to already have everything figured out? I may be the closest thing in existence to perfection, but I'm still not perfect." Added Elif with a smile while displaying his characteristic narcissism.

"Ahh, yes. My apologies, your Highness." Said Marley naturally; having spent four years with Elif was enough for her to get used to Elif's narcissistic personality.

Stopping before Great-grandmothers door, I was about to announce my presence, but before I could, the door opened, and Great-grandmother instantly assaulted me; her tight hug made it feel like she was crushing me.

"Look how big you've gotten, my little Elif! It feels like just yesterday that I saw you for the first time. You've grown from such an adorable boy to a charming young man!" Exclaimed Celeste happily with a smile while tightly hugging Elif.

"Great-grandmother, can you ease up on the hug? You're going to collapse my ribcage!" Said Elif as he tried his best to get out of the hug; of course, that didn't happen, but Celeste did lighten the hug.

"Great-grandmother, I just visited you a couple of months ago; why are you acting like I haven't visited you in years?" Asked Elif while feeling relieved that his ribcage was no longer on the verge of snapping.

"I have to get a fill of my adorable little Great-grandson before you ascend the throne. Once you become the Emperor, you won't visit me again, just like those two little Grandchildren." Replied Celeste while faking sadness.

"Well, to be fair, Great-grandmother, it's not like Mother and Father don't wish to visit you; their duty as the leaders of the Empire is very time-demanding. I'm sure you know more than me about that subject, considering you were previously the Empress." Stated Elif, already imagining how annoying being the Emperor would be.

"Ahh, yes, I very well know the difficulties of being the Empress; definitely one of the most boring moments in my life." Said Celeste, agreeing with Elif's words.

"So, did you come to visit me, or was it to visit the Royal treasury?" Added Celeste, her expression returning to normal.

"One of the Divine Fairy Clan's descendants has invited me to their birthday celebration, and since I'll be attending, I will need an appropriate gift befitting my status. In other words, I need to visit the Royal Treasury."

With my statement, Great-grandmother nodded in response, turned around, and headed towards the Royal treasury through the door in the back of her room, all while carrying me like usual. While I've gotten accustomed to Great-grandmother carrying me everywhere every time I visit her; however, with my size, which is nearly the same as hers, it's become incredibly uncomfortable to be held in her arms. Not to mention embarrassing being carried with Marley's presence nearby; how am I supposed to get her to respect me when she sees the person she decided to submit to get carried around like some child?

"Great-grandmother, could you let me walk on my own? I'm twelve years old and nearly the same height as you; carrying me around like this is embarrassing and uncomfortable." Declared Elif as he attempted to look at Celeste, though with how she was carrying him, it was pretty challenging to do so.

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