Chapter 175: Treasure Realm

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Sending the last noble out of my office, I sighed in relief at finally finishing the duties assigned to me by Mother and Father, though it was very tedious and annoying since most of the problems they proposed were trivial; however, at least I've finished them, so I won't have anything to do for some time. Or I at least thought so, but I heard someone knocking on my door, causing me to groan in irritation, and just as I was about to chase them away, they boldly opened the door and entered my office.

"Haa, thank goodness, it's only you, Sarah; I'd thought you were another annoying noble who needed their problems fixed." Said Elif with relief as he looked at Sarah approaching him.

"Well, your assumption wasn't entirely wrong, your Highness; I do require your assistance with something, but at least I'm not annoying." Replied Sarah lightly with a smile as she sat down opposite Elif, who gave her a blank stare.

"Don't give me that look, your Highness; you're not the only one who's been receiving training for their future position; I've been reinstated as the heir to the Eve family, so I've been tasked with dealing with day-to-day problems that arise." Added Sarah with a sigh of defeat as she looked down while shaking her head.

"Since you're my friend, I'll help you, but could you inform me beforehand next time? I had thought I was done for today." Said Elif blandly as he leaned back in his chair and signaled for Sarah to speak about her problem.

"I appreciate it, your Highness, and you don't need to worry; the issue isn't something big, just something minor regarding the opening of the Treasure realm that'll be taking place within a few days." Stated Sarah with a grateful nod while smiling.

'Treasure realm, huh? That term has been mentioned quite a lot lately; it seems like everyone is excited about such an opportunity.' Mused Elif with a thoughtful expression as he listened to Sarah.

Treasure realm is the name given to a heavenly realm we had captured many eons ago, back in the Flourishing Epoch. It's a relatively normal heavenly realm; the only thing that makes it stand out is its time difference; one year inside the OverRealm equates to one thousand years inside the Treasure realm. Of course, such information isn't that interesting; we've got dimensions with a much greater time dilation that'll allow one to experience time millions of times faster; however, they are all pretty small, the biggest one being about one-twentieth the size of Yggdrasil, which is very small compared to most dimension.

Having read the book Knowledge on the OverRealm, I've learned quite a bit about dimensions, and a common theme among them is that the smaller the dimension, the greater the time dilation is; of course, there are some outliers, but those are the minority. This is what makes the Treasure realm so unique compared to other realms since most heavenly realms have a time dilation of at most fifty times the OverRealm, while Spirit realms can reach upwards of two thousand; again, there are outliers, such as the treasure realm, though that's what makes it special.

With the Treasure realms significantly increased time difference, we're able to grow various heavenly plants of the Divine and God rank as if we were mass producing them, which we are; while we do have a few spirit realms with incredibly high time dilation, they're only helpful for growing Heaven rank plants and below; not very useful if you ask me.

However, while the Treasure realm is something quite important to our Empire, every generation, we'll open the treasure realm to the public, and they'll be allowed entry for one hour, which doesn't sound like much, but given the time dilation, that'll be one-thousand hours, roughly forty days; that's more than enough time for one to come across numerous treasures for themselves.

Though I say open to the public, it'll only be opened to a select few that have earned a medallion after winning a tournament that is held in several cities throughout the Empire; of course, with how many cities within the Empire, there wouldn't be that many people, not even one hundred; that's why, the top one-hundred participants of each city tournament will be allowed entrance, so a total of five-thousand people. Adding the various nobles who have been given medallions based on their nobility rank, there should be a total of six thousand or so participants.

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