Chapter 118: Matriarch Aasveig

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"Hopefully, next time, you'll listen to my orders before you start blabbering about things you're not supposed to." Stated Elif with a smile as he sat down on a bench and enjoyed the pond view while propping his legs atop the back of the kneeling Marley.

"B-But, you didn't say we couldn't speak about that, your Highness." Replied Marley timidly, not wanting to possibly anger Elif and increase the duration of her punishment.

"Ho, did I just hear you talk back, Marley? Maybe, I should increase the punishment; what do you say, Idonea?" Questioned Elif with a smirk before shifting his eyes to Idonea standing in the distance.

"N-No, your Highness! I-I was just stating that you looked exceptionally charming under the sunset." Declared Marley quickly, interrupting Idonea before she could say anything that might worsen her situation.

"Hmm, I can't deny that; I do look even more charming than usual." Said Elif narcissistically as he stood up and looked at his reflection in the clear pond, relieving Marley of her punishment.

"Since your compliment lifted my mood, I'll cut your punishment short; however, next time you disobey my orders, I'll have you work as a royal maid again. Understand?" Stated Elif as he injected Qi into his quạt tay before waving it at the kneeling Marley, causing her to stand up while simultaneously cleaning her.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Replied Marley while bowing with an expression of disgust as she reminisced about her time as a royal maid.

"Good, now let's get going; It's been almost two hours since we separated from Eyvor, so I'm sure the banquet is almost finished, if not already. I've been craving some lighting cherries, haven't had any this entire day." Remarked Elif as he flew into the sky toward the center island while Idonea, Marley, and Illumia trailed right behind him.

Once we neared the center island, we landed in a decently populated spot outside before heading toward the manor. However, while doing so, we came across Hail, Eyvors Maid; or more like she suddenly appeared before us.

"Young mistress Eyvor had just ordered me to inform you that the banquet is ready." Stated Hail.

"The timing couldn't be more perfect; we've just arrived. Now if you wouldn't mind leading us to the dining hall, Hail; during Eyvor's tour, we skipped over it as neither of us deemed it important." Said Elif with a light smile while imagining the sheer amount of lightning cherries at the banquet.

"Of course, Prince Elif, just follow me." Replied Hail kindly as she turned around and guided them through the manor.

Once we arrived at the dining hall, I was surprised at the sheer number of people present, there were roughly one thousand Fairies, and that's not including all the servants.

"Hmm, there are a lot more people than I imagined, though I should've expected such from the Fairy Clan." Commented Elif as he followed behind Hail, who was leading them to Elif's arranged seating.

"This is where you'll be sitting, Prince Elif; Young Mistress Eyvor had slightly altered the seating arrangements, so you will now be sitting directly beside her instead of across from her." Announced Hail, directing Elif to a seat near the Patriarch's and Matriarch's seats, signifying Elif's importance.

"Now then, allow me to guide your servants toward their seating; unless you had other arrangements for them, Prince Elif." Asked Hail while pulling out the seat for Elif to sit down.

"No." Replied Elif while intently focusing on the large bowl of lighting cherries on the table, ignoring every other dish.

"I'll stay here beside His Highness." Said Illumia as she stood adjacent to Elif's seat and closed her eyes.

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