Chapter 21: Results of Sparring With Illumia!

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Deflecting Illumia's axe to the left, I bring my sword down, intending to cut her from the shoulder diagonally, but once again, she somehow maneuvered around my attack and used her axe to chop at one of my openings. Knowing I won't be able to dodge the attack in time, I decided to do something crazy, and instead of trying to block Illumia, I would take the hit and attack her simultaneously.

When the axe's blade landed on my side, the pain I felt was immense, but throughout the several different spars me and Illumia fought, I've got used to the pain enough that I'm capable of ignoring it, although it's still excruciatingly painful, luckily the axe's blade is dull; otherwise I think I would've been cut in half.

Grabbing hold of the axe with my left hand to keep it in place, I slashed at Illumia while holding my sword with my right hand, and with her right in front of me, I didn't believe I would miss her.

'Ha, I've got you!' Thought Elif, imagining himself finally being able to touch Illumia after a couple of hours of constantly getting beaten up.

Right, when the blade of my sword was about to touch her neck, I suddenly saw a blur, then the next thing I knew, I felt pain in my chest before shooting off the arena again.

'W-What happened!?' Pondered Elif as he coughed from the pain.

"You've improved once again, your highness, you lasted six seconds longer than last time, but I do not suggest going for a suicidal attack like that unless you have no other options left." Announced Illumia as she admonished Elif's recklessness at doing something so dangerous.

"Can we finally stop now? I'm tired, exhausted, hungry, dirty, and covered in cuts and bruises!" Said Elif as he slowly stood back up, covered in sweat, minor injuries, and dirt, while his previously luxurious clothes had several holes and tears on them, showing off his bruised and battered skin underneath.

It wasn't the first time I had asked for a break, but whenever I did, she would continue beating me while responding with this.

"Do you think your enemies will give you a break just because you asked for one?"

I was angry at first as this was the first time someone other than my family told me I couldn't do something, but I could do nothing to her, even when I stopped fighting and just stood there, hoping she wouldn't attack me, she still did, and I'm pretty sure she used more strength as I can still feel the pain from those attacks.

"Hmm, I suppose that's enough sparring for now; it's almost time for lunch anyways." Said Illumia as she put her wooden battle axe in her storage ring while walking towards Elif, who instantly laid on the ground when he heard her.



When I arrived at his highness, who was lying on the ground, he was already sound asleep while still holding onto his sword tightly; kneeling, I carefully picked him up, and while doing so, I touched his storage ring, bringing out the sheath and sheathing his highness's sword before putting it back into the storage ring. Once done, I carried his highness in a comfortable position and headed to the entrance while reviewing the fight with his highness.

'His highness is truly as immensely talented as the majesties informed me of; it has only been three and a half hours since his highness had his first-ever battle, yet he has improved to the point where he's capable of lasting almost an entire minute against me, granted I haven't been fighting him seriously, but to last that long against someone like me who has lived for eons and experienced hundreds of thousands of battles in merely under four hours is outstanding, that's something I wouldn't have been capable of doing in my younger days even if I was given a time limit of several days.' Thought Illumia with a slight smile as she looked at the sleeping Elif in a princess carry, or prince carry, within her arms as she walked down the same training grounds, they passed before.

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