Chapter 5: Birthday

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Within a majestic palace, there was a young dark-skinned Elven boy, and he was currently sleeping in an exquisite room with various decorations all over the place; there were several paintings of forests with Elves and animals along with golden flower pots which contained several rare and unique flowers that gave off a beautiful fragrance.

Laying on a bed large enough to fit several grown men comfortably, is the Elven boy, who is currently sleeping soundly without a care in the world. As several hours pass, sunlight shines through the curtains illuminating the room and signifying the start of yet another day. Not too long later, the young boy opens his beautiful purple eyes with excitement practically pouring out of them.



Getting woken up by the sunlight shining directly on my face, I would usually be irritated and try to go back to sleep, but not today; today is a very special and important day for me. Opening my eyes in excitement, I quickly throw the blankets covering my body and promptly try to get out of bed, which I failed at as my foot gets caught on the blanket, making me fall over the edge of the bed, hitting my head.

"Ouch. The first thing I did today, and I already failed at it, I hope it doesn't continue like this, or I'm going to be disappointed." Said Elif in discomfort while rubbing the bump on his head.

Getting up, I quickly make my way to the bathroom, carefully this time, as I don't want today to get any worse than this. Taking off my pajamas, I made my way over to the bathtub and started cleaning myself; once I finished, I walked over and stood inside an outlined circle on the ground, and right when I did, my body slowly started drying. Once thoroughly dried, I made my way to the changing room and put on some fancy clothes; turning around, I looked at myself in the mirror.

The clothes I was wearing were fancier than usual, on the back they had a painting of a forest that looked fantastic, then on the front in the top left, they had an emblem of my family, the Elven Royal family, embedded in gold. The color of my robe is white with green lines stitched across the top along with gold trim across the edges as well as tiny jewels embedded on the cuff of my robe; on my waist, I have a purple belt that compliments my eyes and mark, and accompanying the strap is a gold and white token with the Elven family Emblem. The bottom half of my rob is similar to the top half, except for no jewels; I look absolutely stunning.

'With how adorable I am, I should be struck down by heaven itself.' Thought Elif narcissistically while he did many different poses in the mirror.

Putting on shoes, which I almost forget to do, I make my way out of the bathroom and leave my room; as I run down the hall, several servants I pass by give me a bow, and usually, I would return a greeting of acknowledgment, but I'm too excited for today.

"It seems his highness is in a rush; I wonder what happened."

"What do you mean? Don't you know today is his highness's birthday, he's turning four years old, and his highness is probably excited at finally being able to start cultivating."

"Your right; to think I forgot something so important."

Rushing past everyone, I turn to the left and head down the stairs; once I'm at the bottom, I run through another set of doors which is the entrance to the dining hall, but even though it's time for breakfast, no one is here.

'Where is everyone? Wait, maybe they're hiding like last time and are trying to surprise me. Hehe, well, not this time; the same trick won't work on me twice!' Thought Elif with a proud smirk on his face.

Closing my eyes, I focus on sensing the surroundings with my special ability, which I like to call 'Minds Eye,' mainly because when I use it, I get a picture of everything around me directly transferred to my mind. Using my ability, I start to see the surroundings until the entire dining hall is covered; now, it'll be impossible for them to hide from me.

'Huh? I don't sense anyone, so if they're not here, where are they?' Elif thought in confusion.

Opening my eyes, I was going to leave the dining hall to search for them somewhere else. Still, before I could, my family suddenly appeared out of nowhere, along with the scenery changing around me from the dining hall being empty to it being filled with decorations, food, and a giant cake in the middle.

"HAPPY FOURTH BIRTHDAY, ELIF!!" Yelled all of the Royal Family with smiles on their face.

Seeing everything suddenly change before my eyes slightly shocked me, but I regained my bearings quickly, and a huge smile was plastered on my face as I ran and jumped at my family.

"My little grandson is so cute in his fancy clothes that I want to have you all for myself!" Said Tiana with pride and some slight infatuation as she grabbed Elif mid-air and held him tightly against her chest.

"G-Grandmother c-can you l-let go, please!? Y-you're holding me too t-tightly!" Said Elif in between breaths.

"Mother, let go, you suffocating him between your breasts!" Said Maria to her mother as she tried pulling Elif away from her.

With mother pulling me out of grandmother's hold, I can finally breathe again.

"Thanks, mother."

Mother just smiled back before walking to the table and setting me down in one of the chairs; when mother and I sat down, everyone else followed. Once everyone was sat down, we started eating some of the food, and it didn't take long before someone asked me about today.

"So, birthday boy, you excited for today?" Asked Marcus with a mouth full of food.

"You're a grown adult, so why do I still have to tell you not to talk with a mouth full of food!" Said Tiana with anger and annoyance in her voice.

Laughing at father getting scolded by grandmother, I was going to answer father's question, but then I noticed Elaine was missing.

"Where's Elaine mother?" Asked Elif with curiosity.

"She was still sleeping, but I should probably go and get her; it wouldn't be a perfect birthday without the whole family, would it?" Said Maria as she got up from the table and quickly vanished before reappearing with a little girl in her arms.

"Mother, can I hold Elaine." Asked Elif.

"Since it's your birthday, I'll allow you to feed her, but don't give her big pieces of food ok." Said Maria as she handed over Elaine to Elif.

While looking at Elaine lying in my arms with her adorable fat cheeks and beautiful silver hair, the only thing I feel is an abundance of love, and It seems Elaine feels the same as she smiles back at me. Seeing her smile made me want to poke her face, and when I did, she started laughing. At the same time, I continued playing with her, and I temporarily forgot where I was as I was only focused on Elaine, and I didn't even know everyone was watching the two of us interact.

"My two grandchildren are quite adorable." Said Tyler while watching the peaceful interaction between his grandson and granddaughter.

"It reminds me of how I would play with Marcus after he was born." Said Maria while reminiscing about her childhood.

"Really? Because all I remember is how you would constantly bully me." Replied Marcus, feeling annoyed as he remembered his childhood.

"While our family is adorable at this rate, we will get nothing done. Elif, Elif, Elif, ELIF!" Said Tiana while yelling to get Elif's attention.

Hearing somebody yell my name, I hurriedly turned my attention away from Elaine, and when I looked up, I noticed my parents and grandparents looking at me. Coughing to hide my embarrassment at only reacting when someone yelled at me, I answered Grandmother.

"Yes, Grandmother." Answered Elif with slight embarrassment.

"As much as you love playing with Elaine, you need to eat; today is a big day for you, don't forget." Replied Tiana while looking at Elif.

Remembering that I still had other things to do, I quickly started eating while feeding Elaine, and several minutes later, I finished feeding Elaine and eating my own food.

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