Chapter 199: Elaine's Cry

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The six of us silently floated in the void, practically watching Maria and I's eldest son get brutally tortured by that recently turned Nether Monster while being unable to do anything other than quietly observe through our divine sense. Although I was infuriated by what I witnessed, I stayed rather composed, mainly because there was nothing I could do to help Elif; Progenitor Lourdes was protecting the realm, and even if I disobeyed her orders, I wouldn't be able to enter the realm; besides, I would just be forcefully immobilized by her words before I could even get close.

Still, I wasn't worried about Elaine, who was currently hiding in the void, seemingly waiting for her chance to strike the monster or Elif's well-being; their situation may be less than desirable, but they weren't dead, and I didn't believe Progenitor Lourdes would allow her descendants to die, at least not within her own domain.

Taking a breath to calm my raging emotions, I glanced at Maria, who was having a rather difficult time controlling herself, which was unsurprising as she's always been more prone to follow her heart rather than her brain; such a thing wasn't bad per se, but it has gotten the two of us into rather precarious situations during our younger days. Still, I love her just how she is, and I wouldn't change a thing about her.

I rested my hand on her shoulder, and although she didn't seem to even react to my presence, I could tell her anger was calming down, though just slightly; after all, I've hardly ever seen her so furious throughout our long lives together.

Just as I did so, all of a sudden, when it looked like the monster was about to kill Elif, causing all of us to watch intently with bated breaths, Elaine finally emerged from the depths of the void and attempted to ambush the monster while using nearly all of her Qi in the attack; though just as I and everyone else watching knew, the monster, who was still yet to be consumed by Nether Qi, had known of Elaine's presence the entire time.

"Elaine." Muttered Maria furiously while she subconsciously emitted her Qi, causing the surrounding void to intensely tremble as she watched Elaine get blasted with an attack from the Monster, nearly killing her.

"Dear, I know you're angry, but you must calm down." Said Tyler softly despite his anger, though his words only furthered Maria's rage as she snapped at him while blasting him with the full force of her Qi.

"Calm down!? YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN WHILE I'M FORCED TO WATCH MY CHILDREN NEARLY DIE! YET YOU'VE GOT THE AUDACITY TO TELL ME TO CALM DOWN FATHER!?" Exclaimed Maria with unbridled wrath as she glared at Tyler, who was effortlessly standing within her tsunami of Qi, which was more than capable of destroying thousands of Heavenly realms.

I knew Father was trying to help, but he should've known such words would only provoke Maria's anger, though before I could quell Maria's wrath, a portal suddenly appeared before us, followed by Elaine's injured body emerging. However, I wasn't even given the chance to question why there were two Elaines, one floating in the void before me and the other within the Heavenly realm as Mother and Father had instantly appeared beside Elaine.

"Elif's awakening requires an essential but necessary sacrifice; lucky for him, such things can be faked." Said Progenitor Lourdes as her voice traveled through the portal that Elaine emerged from before it disappeared along with her presence.

Although we had heard her words, we were too preoccupied with checking on Elaine to process what she said.

"My little baby girl!" Yelled Maria with teary eyes as she gazed upon Elaine's injured body, and though she wanted nothing more than to embrace her, she held herself back, not wishing to further her injuries.

Without any warning, I ripped a hole through space leading right to our castle, specifically Miss Lynda's office, only to see her calmly sitting at her desk; however, the instant she turned around and spotted us through the portal, I wasn't even required to say anything as she immediately lunged into the void alongside us and approached Elaine.

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