Chapter 33: Angry Little Sister/Volume 2 Start!

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Deep inside the castle, there exists a room, and in that room are several decorative items such as vases with flowers, beautiful paintings hung on the wall, and many other things that all enhance the room's beauty. However, currently sleeping in that room on a large bed is a small Elven girl of dark skin, with an adorably chubby face, short silver hair, long pointy ears, and most importantly, a golden emblem of a star on her forehead.

Time continued to pass while the young girl slept until the light of dawn emerged from her window, slowly lighting up the room.



'Yay, it's finally morning! I can go and play with big brother now!' Thought Elaine excitedly as she quickly got out of bed while making sure not to fall.

Quickly changing my pajamas into more proper clothes that mother insisted on me wearing, saying that since I'm the crown princess, I need to at least show a certain level of decency, though I'd much rather wear my pajamas around the palace.

Once I was done, I ran out of my room and headed to the right, as big brother Elif's room was just farther down the hall; however, when I got close, I made sure to be careful and sneaky as the tall woman who always follows big brother around will constantly stand outside his room and stop me from entering. After looking around and not seeing her anywhere, I dashed to the door in case she came back, but when I was just before the door, that tall woman suddenly appeared, blocking me to the door.

"Princess Elaine, you should already know, but his highness is currently cultivating at this time; any interruptions could endanger him." Said Illumia as she looked down at the tiny Elaine before her, who looked angry.

"I've already told you I'll be quiet, so just let me in, or I'll tell father on you!" Replied Elaine with childish anger as she pointed at Illumina.

"You've done that before, as well as speaking to her Majesty." Said Illumia while looking down at an even angrier Elaine.

"Then-Then-Then I'll tell big brother on you so you can leave me alone!" Announced Elaine smugly, as Elif had never once said no to her requests; however, before Illumia could respond, another voice did instead.

"Illumia let Elaine in; I've finished cultivating." Said Elif, while Elaine poked her tongue out at Illumia as she thought Elif had come to her rescue.

'Hmph, that's what you get, women.'

Walking into the room, I spot big brother sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling; I run over to him and jump up at him; however, I wasn't nearly high enough to reach big brother, but I trusted that he would catch me like he always does.

"Big brother!!"

"Haa, dear sister, how many times have I told you doing that is dangerous? What if I didn't manage to catch you." Said Elif as he stuck out his hand, causing Elaine to float in the air before setting her down next to him.

"But you've always caught me before, so I don't see a problem. Anyways, what game are we playing today, tag or hide & seek!?" Replied Elaine as she sat on his lap while kicking her feet.

"Well, before we do anything, we should take a bath and eat breakfast, seeing as I'm sure you haven't bathed yet." Answered Elif as he carried Elaine to the bathroom before setting her down.

"Fine, but afterward, we're playing a game I want to play." Said Elaine with authority as she undressed before jumping into the large bathtub while splashing water everywhere.

While I was enjoying the warm water, I saw a naked Elif about to get into the bathtub, but I splashed water on his face before he did.

"Hahaha, your face looks funny." Said Elaine as she pointed at Elifs blank face while laughing in amusement, though that suddenly stopped when she got hit with a big water ball with enough force that caused her to fall backward.

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