Chapter 149: Elif & Comet

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Once my soul wisp arrived in the depths of Kala's soul, where memories are stored, I was surprised by how chaotic her soul was; it was as if I was looking through an ever-changing kaleidoscope.

'I suppose I shouldn't have expected her memories to be neatly organized; she is only a peak Core Formation cultivator, which means she doesn't have access to her soul. This will make searching for her missing memories much harder; hopefully, the person who tampered with Kala's soul left some traces.' Pondered Comet with a thoughtful expression while frowning as he looked at the chaotic soul.

With how chaotic Kala's soul was, I figured just diving in would be the best approach; attempting to find some kind of pattern or order to this would be incredibly time-consuming and challenging, and that's all under the assumption that there is a pattern. So, with a shake of my head, I decided to jump into one of Kala's earliest memories that I could currently see.

Once I arrived inside the memory, I noticed I was experiencing everything through Kala's perspective; I even felt every emotion she felt at the specific time vividly, as if I was actually Kala. However, looking through Kala's eyes, I first noticed the familiar surroundings of a small, rundown village, which also caused some of my old memories to resurface, as ironic as it sounded.

'It feels like it's been a lifetime since I've been there; to think the first memory I will view would include our birth home.' Thought Comet with a melancholic smile.

While experiencing Kala's memories, I watched how the child version of Kala, and I sneaked out from our village to explore the nearby forest, which resulted in us accidentally approaching a beast's territory, nearly killing us in the process. However, somehow, the two of us managed to escape and survive after being chased by that beast for almost five minutes, though both of us received several injuries, especially me, as I had mostly been protecting Kala. Once we finally escaped the beast, because of my various severe injuries, when I was no longer filled with adrenaline, I quickly collapsed into a coma in the middle of the forest.

Luckily, just like what I was told, while Kala was tending to my body, a few of the village guards, whom the village chief ordered to find us, happened to spot us; they then quickly took us back home so we could get treated by the village's best doctor, who happened to save my life.

For the next few days, I watched how Kala stood by my side as she waited for my unconscious self to awaken from my coma.

'I was really a stupid child before I transmigrated into my body.' Thought Comet with a chuckle as he subconsciously forgot what his objective was.

Because of how vividly I was experiencing Kala's memories, I had forgotten the sole purpose of why I had even sent a wisp of my soul into Kala's soul, and before I knew it, days began to pass as I viewed the memories—days then turned into weeks, then months, before eventually, years passed by without me ever even realizing; at least until it got to the part where that bastard Elif defeated me in battle, forcing Gel to use the systems emergency Qi to teleport me to a random Heavenly Realm.

While watching Elif dominate me in battle, I closed my fist tightly in anger. Although I hate to admit it, all these years, I've been replaying that battle through my mind many times every single day, wondering if there was some way I could've won that battle, yet much to my anger, even after mentally sparring against Elif nearly a hundred million times, every outcome ended in my defeat. However, never once have I given up my desire to get revenge; it's, in fact, been one of my best motivators. Still watching this fight makes me realize how truly foolish and arrogant I was when I was younger.

'He's not even taking me seriously.' Thought Comet calmly in anger as he watched how easily Elif defeated him in battle from Kala's point of view.

Once the battle ended in my humiliating defeat, I saw how Spica, in anger, transformed into a humanoid red flame, causing her to attain a massive boost in cultivation. While I would usually be happy at such an amazing opportunity, I was terrified as It looked like Spica was about to attack Elif, and although she was much more powerful than before, she was nothing before that Elf. Luckily, she was saved in the end, though it seemed like she had left this realm; still, as long as she was safe, I was happy.

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