Chapter 183: Elaine The Assassin

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Backing away from the beast before me, just as I was about to attack, the beast opened its maw, and from its two long fangs, it shot a stream of deadly poison right toward me; entering the realm's void just before it could land on my body, I felt it pass right through my ethereal body, causing me no harm as it landed on a resilient tree behind me, and in a matter of a few seconds, the tree was now nothing, but a husk of its former self, all it's vitality having been sapped away.

Clicking my tongue, I exited the void, but just as I did, the creature's second head lunged at me while the rest of the body slithered right behind it, knowing I couldn't stay within close proximity to the beast given the significant difference in physical strength, I launched off the ground and charged toward the two-headed snake. Right when we were about to collide, I again entered the realm's void, resulting in me harmlessly phasing through its body and emerging behind it. Exiting the void, I turned around and tightly clutched Orcus as I slashed down toward the beast, intending to cut a large chunk of its lower body; unfortunately, the snake was incredibly nimble, and even with such a short window to react, it managed to mostly avoid the attack as I was only able to separate a small piece of its tail.

'Tch, stupid beast.' Thought Elaine with an irritated expression as she faced the two-headed snake she had been fighting against for a few minutes.

Looking into the four eyes of the beast, I suddenly smirked before utilizing Voids Veil; erasing my presence as I disappeared deep into the realm's void, and coupled with my physique, I moved through the void uninhibited as if it were my natural habitat. As I slowly moved through the void, my eyes never once left the snake, which was flicking its two tongues in and out as it searched for my presence, yet it discovered nothing, which was only a given; I was so deep within the void that even Brother would find it hard to locate me, let alone a stupid beast.

Still, that didn't mean I was about to underestimate it; the snake was nimble and agile, and ambushing it would be rather hard, especially considering it was waiting for me to reveal myself. Circling the beast, I slowly approached it, yet I didn't attack it; it was still on high alert, so It would be best to wait for an opportune moment or, better yet, create your own.

'Heh, you beasts are very perceptive, but without the intelligence to back it up, it's easy to manipulate.' Mused Elaine with a smile as she reached forward, materializing a small golden palm within the void.

Sending the small golden palm to the right, once it reached several meters from my location, I closed my fist, and with that simple command, the golden palm expanded before suddenly exploding; however, as it was within the depths of the void, it caused no damages whatsoever, then again, the point of that wasn't to inflict harm, it was to attract the beast's attention.

Even though the golden palm exploded within the depths of the void, the power it contained was still enough for the shockwave to exit into the material plane while causing the nearby area to tremble slightly, and that alone was enough to grab the snake's attention, well at least one of the heads as the other was still busy locating me. However, that gave me an even better idea; materializing another small golden palm, I did the same thing as I did previously; this time, I sent the palm left. When it exploded, it caused the other head to look intently in that direction, resulting in the two looking at opposite eagles; although right now would be a good opportunity to attack, I held back, and for the next few minutes, I continued launching small golden palms that exploded in the distance.

While my tactic may seem a little pathetic, I wasn't like Brother; I didn't enjoy fighting face-to-face; I preferred to stalk my opponents from the shadows while waiting for them to lower their guard before launching an attack when they least expected it. Just like a master assassin, I wanted to kill my opponent in one attack without even giving them a chance to retaliate, and if that meant waiting minutes, hours, or days until the perfect opportunity presented itself, then I'd gladly wait that long. Though, of course, given my status as the Crown Princess of the Elven Empire, I needed to be able to hold my own in a battle, and while I could, I was not the best at it; if I was forced to fight this two-headed snake up front, my chances of winning are lower than I'd like to admit.

'Heh, though, that's fine; after all, I'm not forced to fight this stupid beast face-to-face, am I?' Mused Elaine with a smirk as she watched the two snake heads seemingly arguing.

Seeing the snake heads arguing, I smirked as I raised Orcus into the air while using Reaper of Death, preparing to kill the best with one slash of my scythe. Pouring Qi into my scythe while using Reaper of Death caused the long curved blade of my scythe to be covered in an ethereal blade of black and red that grew to twice the size of my normal blade; however, that was only the beginning as I also reached within my soul and summoned my killing intent, prompting the black and red ethereal blade to devour it. Once that was done, it resulted in the ethereal blade only slightly growing in size, but its density had vastly increased, now looking like an actual blade instead of just a technique.

Still, I had one last thing to do; like Brother, I've succeeded in awakening scythe intent, though that was about several years ago, so I was rather proficient in it, and I could feel myself occasionally grasping the concept of scythe aura. Coating my Orcus in scythe intent, causing it to give off a lustrous yet dangerous red and black glow.

Eyeing the two-headed snake, who was still in a heated argument, at my fastest speed possible, I charged out from the depths of the void before exiting from it as I appeared directly in front of the large snake, prompting the two heads to look directly at me, but it was too late for them as the instance I had appeared back in the material plane, my scythe was just mere inches away from touching them.

"Die." Muttered Elaine softly, her lustrous silver hair blowing in the wind as she cleanly and almost effortlessly sliced her scythe right through the spot of the snake where the two heads branched off.

Orcus sliced right through the snake with minimal resistance as I chopped its two heads off before cutting through the rest of its body, only finishing when my scythe had dug deep into the ground; yet, I might've used a little too much power in that attack, as a large gash in the earth appeared that stretched for a few hundred kilometers.

"Well, it's better to prepare too much than not prepare enough; still, I need to do better; an assassin wouldn't have left a trace behind." Remarked Elaine with furrowed brows as she pulled Orcus, which had returned to normal, out of the ground before eyeing the snake, sliced nearly perfectly in half, dying the earth red in blood.

Seeing my phenomenal work, I couldn't help but smile amidst my exhaustion; I wasn't physically exhausted, but my Qi reserves were, after all, I had used an Immortal tier technique for multiple minutes before finally finishing off with an even more potent Immortal tier technique. My Qi reserves are decently larger than the average cultivator, but I wasn't Brother; I couldn't use Immortal tier techniques like they were regular techniques. Most importantly, I had just gotten done fighting another beast before that snake had attempted to sneak attack me, so I already wasn't in the best condition.

"Haa, I wish Brother was here; this would be so much more enjoyable." Muttered Elaine with a sigh as she summoned a Qi regeneration pill, which she promptly swallowed, causing her Qi reserves to begin filling up at immense speeds.

Flying into the air, just as I was about to head north, I suddenly felt Brothers Qi from the south, which caused me to stop and frown as I deeply gazed down south.

"Weird, Brother is deeper west; my earrings point in that direction, so why do I sense his Qi coming from the south?" Remarked Elaine in confusion as she glanced between south and west.

I was very much confused, but by injecting Qi into my silver earrings, from the way they pointed, I could tell Brother had changed directions; he was previously heading straight for me, though now, he was going to the south.

'I don't know what's going on, but I suppose I should also head south.' Thought Elaine, vanishing into the void and flying as fast as she could toward the south, moving at speeds comparable to Elif, which is beyond impressive.

While Elaine and Elif were speedily heading south, it would still take them a few days to arrive; on the other hand, the chaotic beasts were just a mere one day away from reaching Marley, Idonea, and Sarah's position; all five were oblivious to the horde of beasts that were causing death and destruction wherever they went.


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