Chapter 45: Elif Impressed!?

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Looking down at Idonea, I didn't notice any change in her expression, but I could tell she was motivated by what I said, and her words only further proved it.

"I am deeply grateful to your highness for giving me a chance to repay my debt, and I will do my absolute best not to disappoint you." Said Idonea, while still kneeling, before quickly standing up and heading towards the door.

"Idonea, do you know who your next opponent is?" Asked Elif, curious since she didn't show any change in expression.

"No." Answered Idonea before opening the door and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

'Wonder if she will be surprised when she finds out I'll be fighting her?' Pondered Elif while tapping his finger on the throne's armrest.

Well, now that the problem regarding Idonea is dealt with, I looked over to Illumia, who was standing beside me and eyed her for a little bit.

"Care to tell me why you were so in favor of making Idonea my follower? I've known you for two years, and I'm sure I know you well enough that you wouldn't go against my word, at least without a good reason." Asked Elif seriously, though he wasn't angry, just slightly annoyed and curious.

"Were my previous explanations not good enough, your highness? With your narcissistic personality, I was sure that would interest you." Said Illumia, as she looked at Elif with a slight smirk, increasing Elif's annoyance at her.

"First of Illumia, I'm not narcissistic; I'm just self-loving, and how could someone not love something as marvelous as me? I'm a living heavenly prodigy, after all." Replied Elif with pride and blatant narcissism, though it's not like Illumia could deny his claim because everything he said was the truth; there has never been a living being as incredible as Elif recorded within the Immortal annals of time.

"And secondly, Illumia, the reasons you stated before were not good enough for me to believe that you would go against my word; there must be something more that you are not telling me." Stated Elif seriously and confidently while eyeing Illumia, though his statement only caused the smirk on her face to deepen.

"Your assumption is actually wrong; both things I said were actually very important reasons to keep followers, especially the second reason, your highness. Since you are still young and won't be leaving the Empire anytime soon, having a follower isn't something to worry about, but when you get older and leave the Empire to explore the world outside, you'll need to have people to do your bidding as I will not be able to leave your side as I'll need to protect you, besides the more followers you have, the more reputation you'll gain, and that's something more important than you truly realize." Said Illumia quite seriously, though she still had a smirk on her face.

Her words which did annoy me, especially with that smirk on her face, did get me to ponder about the future, and while my status as the Crown Prince of an Immortal hegemony may scare most, if not all, of the nobles in the empire, I've heard my parents and grandparents mention other Immortal hegemonies, each with their own princes, princesses or even direct heirs, so I'm sure my status won't easily scare them, besides I don't want my reputation to be overshadowed by any one of them.

'Haa, I guess what Illumia said wasn't wrong, and I definitely don't want to do some menial chores, though I still refuse to have an incompetent subordinate.' Thought Elif as he once again began eating some lightning cherries

While watching the match currently taking place, I looked over at a giant floating screen of the tournament bracket being projected by a slightly larger crystal ball than my own.

'Today lasted much longer than yesterday, yet it's only just past the halfway point, though I guess the fights have been much more entertaining, and I've accumulated a lot of insights from watching so many fights; now I just have to put that into action. Speaking of action, my match with Idonea will happen after three more matches.' Thought Elif before focusing back on the intense match below.

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