Chapter 133: Golden Chest Full Of Surprises

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"Just one of those gifts alone is already impressive, yet not only did they originate from one person, there are still two presents left." Stated Shelia, she and everyone else in the dining hall were somewhat surprised at the quality and quantity of gifts compared to previous ones, though they mainly attributed it to being from an Immortal Hegemony.

"What did I say? The term modest isn't in Prince Elif's vocabulary." Remarked Birger with an awkward smile while Goliath, Shelia, Echo, and Illumia nodded in agreement.

"Hmph, for your information, Birger, I'm usually quite modest; it's just that your definition of modest and modest is different." Said Elif as he glanced at Birger in annoyance while still eating from the large bowl filled with lighting cherries, which was now only about half full.

"I suppose I can't argue with that; we are from different backgrounds, after all. Still, no matter where you are in the OverRealm, gifting five low-God items, two mid-God items, and one high-God item isn't really considered modest by anyone's standards, even if said person originates from an Immortal hegemony like you, Prince Elif." Retorted Birger, to which not only did Goliath, Shelia, Echo, and Illumia nod in agreement, but so did Patriarch, Matriarch, and even Eyvor, who happened to be listening.

"Ho, since everyone seems to agree that my presents are a bit too much, would you like me to take them back, Eyvor? That way, everyone will be happy." Stated Elif with a fake smile while eyeing Eyvor, who quickly shook her head.

"N-Not at all, Prince Elif; I personally think these presents are just right, not too much and not too little." Said Eyvor quickly with a nervous smile while protectively standing in front of the two remaining chests.

"Alright then, since Eyvor doesn't want to give up the presents, let's move past this silly conversation and allow Eyvor to continue opening the presents." Said Elif blandly with a shake of his head while ignoring everyone else.

The second to last chest, which Eyvor was about to open, could hardly be called a chest; it was more appropriate to call it a casket than a chest, considering its large size, but whatever. When she opened the casket, an all-white sexless doll was lying in there, and I noticed its presence somewhat confused Eyvor, which I don't blame; this present could be considered a wildcard, so to speak, even I don't know if it'll be good or bad.

"Um, Prince Elif, could you please explain your thought process behind this present?" Asked Eyvor in confusion while inspecting the doll, wondering if she had overlooked something.

"Yes, I don't mind explaining. You see, as you obviously know, Fairies are born without a physical vessel, so most, if not all, Fairies have never experienced what it's like to live with a physical body. I thought it would be quite a unique gift compared to the norm; however, after giving it some thought, I only recently realized that you probably have access to such artifacts." Explained Elif with a light smile before his expression shifted to a frown toward the end of his explanation.

"Yes, I do indeed have access to these puppet bodies, which I can use to experience what life is with a physical body; in fact, I've even used it a few times before. However, I still appreciate the gift, Prince Elif; it's the thought that counts after all; besides, this casket is very beautiful; I could use it as a decoration." Replied Eyvor with a light smile as she closed the casket and stored it in her dimension ring before preparing to open the final chest.

"Haa, even if that's true, I would've preferred if my gift was actually useful and not a complete waste. Anyways, it's not too bad; the last present will make up for it, hehe, just don't get too shocked." Remarked Elif as he covered the bottom half of his face with his quạt tay while laughing, causing Birger, Illumia, and Eyvor to have a premonition.

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