Chapter 88: Friendly Outing

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"Yep, you're all healed, your highness." Said Lynda with a smile as she retracted her divine sense from Elif's body.

"Finally! Not being able to use my arms was terrible. Anyways, thanks, Ms. Lynda." Said Elif as he moved his arms around.

After saying farewell to Ms. Lynda, I left her office and headed towards Elaine's room as now that I was a Divine, I had to let the empire know who was the strongest in the younger generation; I couldn't allow Marley to hold that title any longer.

In the weeks since I arrived back home, I've spent nearly every waking moment refining my control, and only after two full weeks of practice did I finally manage to regain proper control. I no longer needed to confine my senses to my body in fear of getting overwhelmed by information, as I could now decide whether I wished to view said information.

Other than that, nothing has happened in the short time frame since I returned home; Idonea returned to the R.M.A. a few days ago, and I've also received a letter from the Divine Phoenix clan, though I have yet to bother opening it.

"Yes, brother?" Asked Elaine, who had just stopped cultivating, when she sensed Elif standing outside her door.

"I planned to leave the palace and roam around Yggdrasil, maybe visit Sarah; do you wish to accompany me?" Asked Elif with a smile after opening the door and entering Elaine's room.

"Yes, let us quickly leave then, brother." Replied Elaine rather excitedly with a smile as she hopped off the bed and landed gracefully beside Elif.

"Alright, alright, calm down, Elaine." Said Elif with a chuckle as he, Elaine, and Maxim left the room and headed toward the Palace entrance.

In a few minutes, Elaine and I arrived at the palace entrance, and located just in front of the gate, is the royal carriage, Mandy, her guards, and Illumia.

"Prince Elif, Princess Elaine." Said Mandy and her guards with deep respect as they kneeled before them.

"Everything is ready, your Highnesses." Announced Illumia with a slight bow, addressing both Elif and Elaine.

Opening the carriage door for Elaine, I followed right behind her while Illumia and Maxim followed right after me; sitting down next to Elaine, I signaled Mandy for the carriage to start moving.

"So, brother, is there anywhere specific you have in mind?" Asked Elaine while occasionally looking out the window.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing. Hmm, how about the Elven Cuisine Pagoda? You haven't been there yet, have you?" Asked Elif as he rested his head on his arm.

"No, I've only roamed around Yggdrasil a few times with Sarah while you were gone, and it wasn't that fun; Sarah's older sister, Marley, would constantly ruin the atmosphere and our fun. Hmph, if I were strong enough, I would've beaten her up already!" Said Elaine as she folded her arms, feeling quite irked.

"Ohh, is that so? That sounds awful; hopefully, when we visit Sarah, Marley won't be there to ruin everything." Said Elif with pity as he rubbed Elaine's head affectionately and tried to elevate her mood, though if you looked closely at Elif, you would notice a glint in his eyes.

"So, should we have Sarah accompany us for some lunch at the Elven Cuisine Pagoda, or should we visit her after?" Asked Elif as his eyes returned to normal once Elaine's emotions returned.

"Hmm, let's visit Sarah first; I'm sure she'll be happy to see you after suddenly disappearing for nearly six months." Said Elaine after a bit of thinking.

"Alright then, Zulo, Zala; change of plans, head towards the Eve residence; we'll be picking up a friend." Said Elif, addressing the two unicorns pulling the carriage, both of them letting out a beautiful neigh before slightly changing directions.

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