Chapter 189: Awakening?

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'Hmm, it's been roughly forty minutes since they entered, only a little bit longer, though as an Emperor, while I shouldn't be thinking this, I hope I win that bet.' Mused Marcus calmly as he floated before the massive portal while Illumia and Maxim were beside him.

However, while I was observing the portal, making sure nothing unexpected happened to it, all of a sudden, I felt someone forcefully take control of the portal, and before I could even react, it vanished from sight, taking me by utter surprise.

"What the hell just happened!?" Exclaimed Marcus with an ugly expression as he tore a hole in space, leading directly toward the void, specifically the area near the Treasure realm.

"You two, stay here; summon Mother, Father, and Maria." Ordered Marcus as he glanced at Illumia and Maxim, who nodded in response before he entered through the portal.

Stepping through the tear in space, I emerged from the other side, appearing right inside the colorful void that attempted to erode my body, but with my cultivation base, the void was practically harmless to me. The only way for the void to be considered a threat would be if I were to land inside a void storm, though even so, unless it were a decently powerful one, it wouldn't be threatening at all.

Looking at the Treasure realm, it was encased in a naturally forming protective Qi barrier formed by the realm itself, protecting it from the harsh and deadly environment of the void. Reaching my hand forward, I manifested a massive golden palm larger than the realm itself before launching it toward the Treasure realm as I intended to wrestle for control over it against the person who initially stole it from me.

However, to my shock, my golden palm couldn't even get close before it suddenly collapsed from a massive and terrifying pressure that emanated from the Treasure realm, causing me to swiftly back away, though luckily, it didn't seem intent on coming near me.

'This isn't good; whoever stole the Treasure realm from me is far stronger than either Maria or I; my strongest attack couldn't even get close. I'll need Mother or Father, though; from what I could sense, not even they might be able to do anything.' Thought Marcus, and although his outward appearance was relatively calm, he was anxious, worrying deeply about Elif and Elaine, who were both stuck inside the Treasure realm.

"Marcus, what happened?" Asked Tyler with a frown as he, Tiana, Maria, Illumia, and Maxim emerged from the portal while floating within the void.

"Someone has forcefully taken control of the Treasure realm; whoever is doing this is powerful; my palm wasn't even able to get close to the realm before it was destroyed." Replied Marcus with a frown, his words angering everyone present, especially Maria, though thankfully, her years as an Empress had helped her manage her emotions somewhat.

"Hmm, If that's the case, I doubt either of us will be of much help; someone who would dare mess with our Empire can't be someone weak." Said Tiana with a frown as she gazed at the Treasure realm in the distance.

"Tiana's right; the power I can sense surrounding the Treasure realm is unbelievably powerful, and even from a distance, it feels suffocating. We'll need to summon an ancestor, possibly several." Remarked Tyler, manifesting a massive golden palm, even larger than Marcus's, though just like the first time, his palm couldn't get close as it was destroyed by the pressure surrounding the Treasure Realm.

"If something happens to my babies, I don't care who it is that pulled this stunt; I'll send the entire Elven Empire after them!" Stated Maria angrily, venom lacing her every word as she eyed the Treasure realm peacefully floating in the void.

Nodding at Maria's words, I was about to have her stay here while I go and speak with the ancestors, but out of the blue, the same powerful pressure that encompassed the Treasure realm suddenly surrounded every single one of us, halting our actions as it took control of our body.

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