Chapter Twelve: Christmas Day

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"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Opal shouted at the top of her lungs, the boys stirred groaning at how early it was, Remus chucked a pillow at her.

"Say it louder, I don't think the Slytherins heard you." James sighed, rubbing his eyes.

Opal took a deep breath to shout again.

"Oh Blaze, please don't. I have very sensitive hearing." Remus said, summoning his pillow back.

"Merry Christmas." Peter said, sitting up to open his presents.

Opal reached and grabbed hers, from James she got a voucher for Quality Quidditch Supplies, as she was saving up for a new broomstick. Peter had gotten her a box full of muggle sweets, Remus gave her a new Chudley Cannons scarf and Sirius had given her a vinyl album record.

"Thank you guys." she said, looking up to four glares. "Why the long faces?"

"You got us socks?" Sirius said, holding up his red pair Opal had gifted to him.

"You don't like them?"

"Socks?" James said.

"You can fold them."

"Socks?" Peter said.

"They keep your feet warm."

"Socks?" Remus sighed.

"They are charmed to be waterproof."

"Please tell me there are more presents downstairs." Sirius said.

"Yeah, yeah definitely." Opal said, getting out of her bed and putting on her own pair of socks.

"Opal what the hell?" Peter said.

"Love you guys, I'll be downstairs."

She ran out of the dorm. For the past couple of weeks she had been planning a surprise, it had been hard to hide it and even learn how to do it, she had to read several books and get Professor Flitwick's help, but she had finally done it.

She walked into the common room which had become a Winter wonderland, a thick layer of white snow was covering the ground, a few snowmen stood by the fire, the house elves must have made them in the night.

"Woah!" The boys gasped in amazement at the common room.

"That's why I got you socks, they will keep you warm." she said, pointing at their cold feet.

They scrambled upstairs to get them, the Knight train had taken almost every Gryffindor back home, the only ones remaining were the Marauders, Fabian, Gideon, Amethyst and Emerald.

"Wow, Opal." Emerald said, walking down the stairs. "You did this all yourself?"

Opal nodded in excitement. "Just wait until Santa gets here."

"Santa is coming!" Peter said excitedly.

"Wouldn't be Christmas without him, also one of his reindeers might just visit as well." Opal said, winking at James. Because Santa was just Opal wearing a red suit and morphing into an old man with a white beard.

The whole morning they spent building more snowmen, James and Gideon started a snowball fight which lasted almost an hour before they all stopped to warm up by the fire before they went down for Christmas dinner.

"This is actually amazing." Sirius said, looking around the common room.

"Yeah, Opes, how did you even figure out how to do this? We've not even learnt this in seventh year." Amethyst said.

"It's a secret I will never reveal." Opal said, tapping her nose lightly.

"Lunch is about to start, we should go down." Remus said, the nine Gryffindors made their way to the Great Hall.

"Ahh. You've made it." Professor Dumbledore said, his blue eyes twinkled. "I thought you would have stayed in the common room all day."

Opal smiled sitting down. "We couldn't miss Christmas dinner."

They all sat down filling their plates with food, only a few students from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had stayed for the rest of the holidays.

"After the feast we should have another snowball fight." James said.

"We should split up in teams." Sirius nodded in agreement.

"Uhh sorry guys." Opal said. "The spell only lasted a few hours, when we get back up there it's all going to be gone."

"Awwh what?" Sirius responded sadly.

"At least we got some snow." James said. "There's always next year."


It was the evening now, the Marauders sat in the common room listening to the new albums Sirius had received from Andromeda, drinking their hot chocolates that they had gone to the kitchens for.

"Oh my gosh! I forgot!" Opal said, running up to the girls dorm changing into the red suit she had bought.

She looked into the mirror making a long beard grow out and aged her skin.

"HO HO HO!" she said, walking down the stairs.

"Oh my god Opal!" Remus laughed, picking up a camera.

"I knew Santa was real!" Peter shouted.

"Merry Christmas!"

"Wait!" James said, standing up and turning into Prongs.


"This is the best Christmas ever!" Sirius grinned.


A short one but I hope you enjoyed ☺️☺️

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