Chapter Thirty Two: Welcome To The Family

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"Merlin's beard!" Killian gasped, helping James with Sirius to get him to the sofa. "Amethyst, get the healer kit from the kitchen, Emerald get a cloth quickly."

Opal could now see Sirius properly, his face was bruised and battered.

"This is all my fault." she whispered.

"James, get Opal out of here." Celestine said, pushing them out of the drawing room.

James put his arm around Opal's shoulder. "Come on," he said, leading her out of the room. They walked out into the kitchen and he sat her down, getting a cloth to clean the cut on her face.

"Opal, what happened?" he asked after she had calmed down. "Why were you with Sirius?"

"He- he invited me–" she stammered. "His parents were hosting- hosting a ball and he went to get drinks, but- but I think Rabastan told his mother something and she– she–"

James looked at her with glossy eyes. "Opes when we got there she was using unforgivables, did she use any on you?"

Opal didn't answer, the burning pain was still searing.

"Opal, you have to tell your parents."

"No." she said quickly. "I can't be the reason his mother gets sent to Azkaban."

"No, James. I can't." she wiped the tears from her face. "I can't."

"What if she used it on Sirius?"

"That's his choice to tell, I'm not going to do that."

Killian walked in stopping their conversation.

The two stood up promptly. "Is he okay?"

"Woah, hold your hippogriffs." he said, holding up his hands to stop them. "He's not awake yet, he was hit with a terrible spell but he's going to be okay."

"Can I see him?" Opal asked, looking at her father.

He sighed nodding. "Don't tell your mother."

James went to follow Opal.

"Not you James."


"Off to bed."

"But Opal-"

"Nope, bed now."

James slumped about to walk upstairs.

"Your own house, James, you can come back tomorrow."

He let out a loud sigh before leaving Wings manor. Opal walked towards the room with her father, she saw her sisters sitting next to Sirius.

"Girls." Killian nodded for them to leave, Amethyst rubbed Opal's shoulder giving her a small smile as she left.

Opal walked toward Sirius, he stirred when she held his hand but didn't wake, her mother had been able to heal most of the bruises that were on his face. She sat down on the floor, resting her head on his chest.

"I'm so sorry."


Opal awoke in her own bed, her father must have taken her up in the middle of the night. She looked into the mirror, the cut on her cheek had completely healed, she assumed it was from the phoenix tears, her mother hadn't given her a cream the previous night.

She got changed out of the dress she wore to the ball hoping Amethyst wouldn't be too angry that there was a tear in the skirt, then made her way down to the dining room, the entire table was filled with food, her family and Fleamont and Euphemia were sitting at the table next to James.

Written In the Stars ⭒ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now