Chapter Eighty One: The Adventures Of Babysitting

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22nd November 1980

When Remus left that morning after Sapphire's birthday, Opal had no idea how much his absence would feel. It was weird not seeing him by the coffee machine getting his fix for the morning, Sapphire would often ask for him, luckily for Opal she could quickly get her mind off of him by playing one of her favourite songs.

This week it was Funky Town by Lipps inc.

"Are you sure she's our daughter?" Sirius asked, as he restarted the song on the cassette tape Hope had brought round. "This is not what I would listen to," he shook his head.

"Punky town!" Sapphire squealed.

"Maybe we should try something else?"

"Punky town!"


"Fucky town-"


"Punky town!"

"Okay, Punky town it is," Sirius sighed, playing the song. "We've got to get her used to something else,"

Opal grinned, "This is like the time you were obsessed with ABBA-"

"Don't bring ABBA into this, that's what she should be listening to,"

"I think the amount of times you had Voulez- vous on. She's just like you,"

"I don't regret anything," Sirius shook his head.

"Course you don't,"

The fireplace lit up as James and Lily floo'd into the flat, Harry was asleep in his mothers arms.

"Hey, you two busy?" James asked, putting down the baby bag with all of Harry's stuff in it.

"Just listening to the same song on repeat." Sirius told him.

"Lils and I have to help Dumbledore, do you mind watching Harry for the night?"

"Of course we would," Opal nodded, walking towards them. "We love it when he visits,"

"You don't mind, do you?"

"As long as he chooses a better song than Saph, we'll be friends," Sirius said.

"Oh, is she fixated on this song just like you were with ABBA?"

"Why must we keep bringing up me? Let me hold Harry."

"We've gotta go now," James said, "It's quite important."

"Go ahead," Opal nodded, "Be safe alright."

"We always are."


"I can't believe they're both asleep," Sirius whispered softly, he was on the sofa, Sapphire's head fastly asleep on his leg, and Harry asleep on his chest.

Opal carefully walked over, making sure she didn't make too much movement as she took a seat.

"What did you give them?"

"Just some warm milk, Saph wanted chocolate in hers," Sirius told her, "She's definitely going to be a mini Moony."

She smiled softly, her mind now thinking of how alone Remus was with the wolf pack, she looked over at the window and the bright full moon stared back at her.

"He's going to be alright, you know." Sirius reassured her. "Our Moony is as tough as steel,"

"I'm just worried about how alone he is, and if he's okay." she said, picking at her sleeve. "You know it's the first full moon since fifth yeah that none of us have been with us,"

Sirius nodded, "It does feel weird not popping up to the shack."

"I never thought I'd say this, but I miss his snoring." Opal laughed.

Sirius chucked, "So do I."

Harry began stirring awake, he opened his bright green eyes, looking up at his godfather.

"Let me have a hold," Opal asked, holding out her arms. "Hello little prongslet."

He cood softly, his lips turning upwards into a little cheeky smile.

"Hello, I'm your auntie Opal,"

His tiny hands latched onto her index finger, gently squeezing.

"Oh, we are going to spoil these kids rotten," Sirius said, stroking Sapphire's head.

"Oh of course, and when they're older they are going to be the best pranksters, learning from the best, obviously."

"Lily did actually tell me that little Harry actually has to do work while he's at Hogwarts, she said- and I quote 'It's not all fun and games' and then she made me promise not to teach him any pranks."

"But James is his father, what does she expect?" Opal asked.

"A reincarnation of herself?"

"Well she didn't make me promise anything, so I can teach him everything he needs to know."

Sapphire stirred and woke up, she climbed up onto her father's chest, smiling up at him.

"Good evening Sapphie,"

She grinned even more, then her brows furrowed. "Where Pongs?"

Sirius sighed, "Let me try this, Opes, tell her to say Padfoot," he told her, putting Sapphire down on the sofa, and walked into the bedroom.

Sapphire frowned, looking up at her mother. "Where go?"

"Where did he go Sapphie?"

The sound of four footsteps on the wood floor came closer, Padfoot strolled in jumping up onto the sofa.

"Oh look Saph!"

She giggled as Padfoot began licking her face.

"Is that Padfoot? Can you say Padfoot?"

"Pa-Pa-" she struggled, but she was determined. "Pa- Pa-Foot! Pa-foot!"

"Yes! Well done, Sapphire!"

Padfoot, snuggled up on the sofa, "Pa-foot!"


"Good morning kids!" James boomed, making an entrance.

"James, please, it's early," Opal groaned, she squinted at the harsh light as he pulled back the curtain. "I hate that you are such a morning person."

She looked over at Sapphire who hadn't woken up from the disturbance, Padfoot stretched before turning back to himself.

"Did you guys have a good night?" Lily asked as she picked up her son from his cradle.

"Not too bad," Opal replied. "Yours?"

The two shrugged. "Oh you know, the usual, getting rid of the bad guys. Nothing too bad."

Opal noticed the identical bags under their eyes, but decided not to comment on it.

"I see Padfoot had a good night," Lily smirked.

"He did," Opal grinned, "Saph finally said Padfoot, so he's going to be in a good mood all day, aren't you, Love?"

Sirius beamed, nodding his head.

"She still said my name first," James said.

"I will be Harry's, mark my word." Sirius crossed his arms.

"Place your bets now,"

"I will win the bet, going to start training prongslet now,"


Written In the Stars ⭒ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now