Cap 110

65 3 0

Maya: I Say I listen to you! I can't turn , I want to see when Massimo arrives!

The little girl's answer puts a smile on the faces of the 4 adults in the room.

Olga: My little doll, stubborn just like her mother!

Maya: Auntie, I heard you! This time I'm not stubborn, I just want to pay attention to see when Massimo arrives!

I miss him a lot!

Massimo: Anche tu mi sei mancato, piccola meraviglia!

Massimo: I missed you too, my little miracle !

As soon as she hears Massimo's voice, the little girl looks away from the window, looks at Laura for a few seconds, then looks in the direction from which the voice was heard.

She sees Massimo and the little girl's eyes immediately fill with tears.

Massimo: Non piangere principessa!

Massimo: Don't cry princess!

Maya runs to Massimo, who had already knelt down (to be at her level) and was waiting for her with open arms.

Maya puts her little hands around Massimo's neck, hugs him tightly and bursts into tears.

Maya's hug makes Massimo's heart skip a beat.

Massimo looks up at Laura and the moment he sees her crying, his heart tightens even more, and a wave of emotions that he doesn't know how to control take over him.

Massimo stood up with the little one in his arms, started walking around the room, patting Maya gently on the back, trying to make her stop crying.

Massimo: Massimo: Piccolo miracolo, per favore smettila di piangere! Cosa posso fare per calmarti?

Massimo: Little miracle, please stop crying! What can I do to calm you down?

Maya: (tra le lacrime) Ero così spaventata! Te ne sei andato e nessuno sapeva dove fossi!

Maya: (through tears) I was so scared! You left and no one knew where you were!

Massimo: Mi dispiace tanto, cuore mio!

Massimo: I'm so sorry, my heart!

Non volevo spaventarti! Avevo del lavoro da fare e dovevo andarmene in fretta.

I didn't want to scare you! I had work to do and I had to leave in a hurry.

Mi stai guardando per favore?!

Are you looking at me please?!

Maya: (sollevando la testa dalla spalla di Massimo e guardandolo negli occhi) Massimo, pensavo avessi già capito che non sono più una bambina! Adesso sono più grande e capisco tutto!

Maya: (lifting her head from Massimo's shoulder and looking into his eyes) Massimo, I thought you already understood that I'm not a baby anymore! I'm older now and I understand everything!

Massimo: (mentre si asciuga il viso pieno di lacrime con un fazzoletto) Cosa vuoi dire angeli?

Massimo: (while wiping the face full of tears with a handkerchief) What do you mean angel?

Maya: Non so quale problema hai dovuto risolvere questa volta, ma di certo non faceva parte dei doveri di Don!

Maya: I don't know what problem you had to solve this time, but it was certainly not part of Don's duties!

Massimo: (sorpreso) Perché lo pensi?

Massimo: ( surprised ) Why do you think that?

Maya: Se il problema che dovevi affrontare fosse legato ai doveri di Don, avresti portato alcune guardie del corpo con te.

Maya: If the problem you faced was related to Don's duties, you would have brought some bodyguards with you.

Maya: Per favore, non fraintendermi!

Maya: Please, do not get me wrong!

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