Cap 147

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Laura's thoughts:

"God nooo! I beg you take care of my little baby !
Don't steal another child from me!

She is the only reason why I am still breathing today!

I beg you have mercy of me!
I beg you, don't take her too from me! "

Massimo's thoughts:
"Nooooo! I can't relive this nightmare one more time!

I can't lose her too!

Lucca, my champ , I beg you save your little sister! "

When everyone present was preparing for the worst scenario, a few seconds before the car hit the little girl, a person jumps in front of the car and takes Maya in his arms, putting a shield between the child's fragile body and the car.

Due to the impact, the person falls to the ground but continues to protect the little one's body with his own body.

In the following seconds, Maya's cries and screams are heard all over the place , which make Laura's, Olga's, and the two Mafia leaders' hearts stop.

A few moments of confusion followed where all that could be heard was Maya's crying.

Laura, Massimo , Olga and Domenico, they were like stone not being able to react.

Before the impact, the 4 adults closed their eyes, not being able to see the consequences of the imminent impact that was going to happened right before their eyes, without them being able to intervene in any way.

Although she was still extremely scared, still shaking and tears streaming down her cheeks, seeing that the adults around her were unable to react, little Maya decided to take matters into her own hands.

Maya: Alessandro, andrà tutto bene, non preoccuparti!

Maya: Alessandro, everything will be fine, don't worry!

Maya: Per favore, stai fermo e parlami!
Devi stare attento!

Maya: Please just sit still and talk to me!
You have to stay aware!

Alessandro: (voce soffocata) Signorina Maya, tutto bene?

Alessandro: (voice muffled) Miss Maya, are you all right?

Maya: Sto bene! Non preoccuparti per me!

Maya: I'm fine! Don't worry about me!

Maya: L'unica cosa che conta adesso è che stai bene!

Maya : All that matters now is  for you to be well!

The little girl manages to free herself from the tight arms of the bodyguard who was holding her tightly in his arms to protect her from the impact.

The little one was looked for a few seconds confused around her.

The first impulse was to go to Laura, Massimo, Olga and Domenico to take them in her arms and calm them down by telling them that everything it's okay, and she's fine!

But she knew that if she did this, everyone would focus on her, and she couldn't allow that.

Alessandro needed help, urgently!

He is the number one priority now!

Maya quickly realized that she needed to find help from outside .

It was obvious even for a child her age that the adults who were now standing next to her were still in shock from what had happened and it would take them some time to put themselves together and be able to help. 

After a few more seconds of little thought, she approached Alessando again and asked him :

Maya: Alessandro dov'è la stazione dove comunichi con le altre guardie del corpo?

Maya : Alessandro where is the station you communicate with the other bodyguards?

Alessandro, who was already extremely pale from the pain he was in, motioned the little girl to the pocket on the left side of his jacket.

Beautiful like a rose 🌹 but... fragile like a bomb 💣Where stories live. Discover now