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When the two bodyguards didn't know what to do to anymore to make little Maya stop crying, Alessandro's phones started ranging.

Alessandro: Signorina Maya, mi scusi per qualche istante, devo rispondere a questo telefono!

Alessandro: Miss Maya, please excuse me for a few moments, I have to answer this call !

Maya: Va tutto bene? Zio ti sta chiamando? È successo qualcosa a Massimo? Dimmelo per favore!

Maya: Is everything okay? Is Zio calling you? Did something happen to Massimo? Tell me please!

Alessandro: Signorina, si calmi! Non ho tutte le informazioni in questo momento, ma prometto che non appena avrò finito la conversazione, vi darò tutti i dettagli.

Alessandro: Miss, please calm down! I don't have all the information right now, but I promise that as soon as I finish the conversation, I will give you all the details.

Maya: Promettimi che non mi mentirai, qualunque cosa succeda?

Maya: Promise you won't lie to me no matter what?

Alessandro: Vi do la mia parola d'onore!

Alessandro: I give you my word of honor!

Maya: Va bene! Allora aspetto qui!

Maya: All right! Then I'm waiting here!

Before going away to answer the phone, Alessandro makes a sign to his cousin, and he replies with a gesture that he has nothing to worry about.

He will keep an eye on Maya at all the time.

After moving far enough away from the place where the little girl was, Alessandro answers the phone.

Alessandro: Don Massimo! Ai tuoi ordini!

Alessandro: Don Massimo! At your command!

Massimo: (visibilmente agitato) Alessandro, come sta Maya?

Massimo: ( visibly agitated ) Alessandro, how is Maya?

Alessandro: La signorina Maya sta bene, ma sta piangendo per te, abbiamo provato a distrarla ma non funziona!

Alessandro: Miss Maya is fine, but she is crying for you, we tried to distract her but it doesn't work!

Alessandro: Mi chiede dove sei e tutto quello che vuole è che io la porti da te.

Alessandro: She asks me where you are and all she wants is for me to take her to you.

Massimo: Dagli il telefono!

Massimo: Give her the phone!

Alessandro: Ho capito signore! Subito!

Alessandro: I understand sir! Immediately!

Alessandro runs to where Maya is.

Alessandro: Signorina Maya, qualcuno dall'altra parte del filo vuole parlare con lei.

Alessandro: Miss Maya, someone on the other end of the line wants to speak with you.

Maya: chi è? Quello che è successo ?

Maya: Who is it? What happened ?

Alessandro smiles at the little girl and hands her the phone without saying a word.

Maya takes the phone from his hand, and when she wants to put the phone to her ear, she sees Massimo's name on the phone display.

Maya: Massimo, sei tu? Stai bene ?

Maya: Massimo, is that you? Are you ok ?

Massimo: Piccola miracolo, sto bene, non ti preoccupare!

Massimo: Little miracle, I'm fine, don't worry!

Maya starts crying as soon as she hears Massimo's voice.

Massimo: ( commosso dal pianto del piccola) Angeli, to prego, smettete di piangere!

Massimo: ( moved by the crying of the little one ) Angel, I beg you, stop crying!

Maya: (senza smettere di piangere) Sono così contenta che tu stia bene! Ti ho cercato ovunque ma nessuno sapeva dove fossi! 

Maya: (without stopping  from crying) I'm so glad you're okay! I looked for you everywhere but no one knew where you were!

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