Chapter 4: An unexpected turn of events

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"You did what?" Three weeks after Ash Ketchum is presumed dead, Gary has rushed back to the Kanto Region and storms into the Lab, he is grabbing Professor Oak's collar and he yells, "How could you do this to him? You tried to force him to stop being a trainer? Even he has saved us all?"

Oak just wants it to get over and he yells, "Gary, please calm down."

"Calm down?" Gary slams him to the wall, causing him to fall on the floor in pain. "Maybe this is why Ash wants to commit suicide! You and the others break his heart! You are the real murderers!"

"There is no way to talk to your grandfather like that!" Oak yells back after getting back up, but Gary says, "No, old man. You are not my grandfather, you are an evil person disguised as my grandfather. You killed my best friend and his mother with your words. And there is no turning back! Maybe that is why Dad has left me."

This causes Oak to frown, before he can retort, Gary says, "The only thing I am thankful for you is that I am now a Professor. I wonder what the Pokemon League Association has to hear about this." Oak is shocked as Gary leaves the lab.

The other traitors are doing their lives really well, except for the two girls. After Ash is declared dead, they realize what they have done and break down. Dawn and Serena think that Ash commits suicide because of what they said to him when they were hypnotized and they are now blaming themselves for hurting him. They, along with the Pokemon they get from Ash, Infernape, Krookodile, Oshawott, and Gible, are in front of the grave of Ash.

"Why did they force me to say those words? Ash, I am are not holding me back. I am the one that holds you back...please...I am sorry..." Serena cries.

"Serena..." Dawn says with a sad face, she wasn't that broken compared to Serena, but she is also guilty of doing that to Ash.

"Please...come back to me..." Serena sobs.

"Do you regret your actions?" They see a group of people approaching them. Much to their surprise.

"Huh?" Serena sobs. "Who are you?"

"We are the Timeless. I am Ash from a different world." The middle one says, and this also causes them to recognize how he looks similar to Ash but more mature.

"The Ash you knew is still alive." This causes them to be in confusion. "What?"

The second person says, "It is true. Ash is not dead. He was kidnapped. We needed your help as well if you want him to be safe."

"Are you serious?" Dawn asks. "Why should we believe you?"

"You should." They see Cynthia and Diantha here, much to their surprise.

"Cynthia? Diantha?" The girls are shocked.

"No need to be surprised. Let me introduce our friends." Ash from the different world says. "First, this is Ritchie, he was a rival of Ash, and he is the chosen of Zapdos."

"Nice to meet you." Ritchie says. "Though I am surprised that my won against Ash will lead to this..."

"It is not your fault." Serena says. "It should be ours."

"This is Arata Yvonne, he is the chosen of Moltres."

"Wait...Dad? Is that you?" Serena is shocked. Arata sees her and also gasps, then they share a hug.

"Dad...I thought you left me..." Serena sobs.

"I am sorry...I was doing this job and I am afraid to let you in danger..." Arata says.

"And we have the chosen of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, they are Ethan, Silver, and Kris, all three of them are from Johto."

After the greeting, then he continues, "And this is Carl and Sham. They are supposed to be the protectors of Lugia and Ho-Oh, but Lugia has gone missing ever since that happened."

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