Chapter 61: The Battle of the Torren

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After the Elite 4 battle, Ash has asked Mr. Goodshow and Reukra to give them a week to prepare for the battle, the two people agree as they let Ash prepare. Adam decides to let Ash and the group go to Gaea Town since it is the place where their house is as well as the final Gym. Once they get there, they have been training nonstop.

The traitors are trying to go to Torren Region so that they can get the Pokemon Ash "stole" from them, but they didn't know that Ash has asked Mr. Goodshow to deny any entry to the Torren Region. The traitors are really mad, but since Professor Oak has been stripped of his Professor's title, so they can't do anything.

Lillie and Gladion also go back to Aether Paradise, as they need to tell Lusamine what actually happened back on their journey. Lusamine is shocked that Lillie was possessed by Deoxys, but she is assured that it is no problem. But Lusamine is also happy that Lillie manages to confess to Ash and they are dating now since she knows that Ash is a wonderful boy.

The week time has come as Ash is standing at the League Stadium. Lillie and Gladion, as well as everyone in the group, are there. After Ash and Lillie are alone, Lillie asks, "Hey? How are you?"

Ash smiles at him and says, "Fine, thanks to Dad and Mom, I have been training a lot."

Lillie kisses him and then she asks, "So what's after this? I mean after you beat Reukra?"

Ash thinks for a second and says, "Well, I don't know. What about you? Are you going to find your father?"

Lillie sighs, "There is no need. Mother has found him and he is back."

"Really?" Ash is surprised. "But he lost the memories of any of us...Mother is trying to help him recover."

"I see." Ash sighs.

"You know, since we are already a Legendary Pokemon, so we don't need to worry about everything, right?" Lillie asks.

" the end of the night, you'll be looking at the new Champion." Ash smirks. "Now I should go, everyone is waiting."

Lillie nods as she gives him one more kiss, and then she watches Ash leave.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! May I have your attention please?" Goodshow says as everyone is looking at him. "This is the true moment for these years. The undefeated champion Reukra versus our young hero, Ash Ketchum for the Champion Match. Now the fate of the Torren Region lies in the hands of this battle! Everyone, please give your applause to the two trainers!"

As both Ash and Reukra come into the field, Reukra says, "Surprised to see me here, facing you for the Champion of the title? I guess you would be. Why would I, Reukra, be the Champion?"

"It sure is surprising." Ash says. "After all, I didn't see you battle, usually, you just watched how I battled with your son Taen, who is also one of my friends."

Reukra nods and says, "I've spent my life seeking perfection. Deltas...Megas...Z moves...and Armors...The entire fiasco with the Unova Dragons...Everything was strong, but just not strong enough. Do you know what the worst part was? How ridiculous people find our goals to be."

He looks at the Pokeball in his hands. "No Pokemon is perfect, it's impossible. Anything can be beaten with a good type matchup, high stats, and appropriate moves. And you know what? Maybe they're right. Maybe we've taken the wrong approach to this."

"Reukra..." Harmony and Taen are watching in worry.

"A perfect unbeatable's kind of a stupid thought. After all, a combination like Destiny Bond and Shadow Tag can take anything out easily. But a strategy that can take out a perfect Pokemon can't take out an entire team. I am realizing this now. Having one powerful Pokemon doesn't make you perfect. It can still be beaten. But a team of powerful Pokemon perfectly synchronized...Each covering the other's weaknesses and increasing their strengths...A team like that could have no weaknesses. It could be undefeatable. It could be perfect. And now...with that team...I am perfect."

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