Chapter 59: The Elite 4 Battle Part 3

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Ash is preparing for his third match in the lockers, he is petting Infernape, Alice and Emily walk into the lockers and Alice says, "From what I heard, the third member is a specialist of hail and ice, are you sure that you are okay?"

"Of course." Ash smiles. "With your help, I think that I can handle it."

"That's good to know." Emily says. "Do your best and make the world proud."

Ash nods as he goes to the battlefield.

"Our beloved hero has defeated two members of the Elite 4, and now he is going to face the third one with the specialist of Hailstorm! Yuki!"

As the crowd cheers, Ash and Yuki are now on the field. Yuki bows and says, "Greetings. The slow snowfall gives a... tranquil feeling, does it not?"

Ash says, "I can't say the same, but it sure helps me cool my mind."

"It's quiet and serene...but in the heat of the battle, it hardens to cold, destructive hail." Yuki smiles. "My name is Yuki. Ash, right? I have been training for years with my Pokemon. I'd wish you luck...but I don't want to waste my breath."

"Sure, let's get it started." Ash says as the referee states the rules.

"Mamoswine, I need your help." As the Pokemon appears, Ash says, "Steelix! I choose you!"

As the Pokemon roars, the crowd is shocked at the sight of the Pokemon. "Unbelievable! This Steelix is shining like a crystal! Is this a rare species?"

Delia says, "It is hard to believe that he has a rare Pokemon..."

"But that makes him special." Adam says.

"Use Earthquake." Yuki says. "Counter with your Magnet Rise!" As the Steelix jumps, much to the surprise of the others, it dodges the Super Effective attack.

"Sealth Rock." Yuki orders as the Pokemon places some rocks on the field. "Iron Tail!"

The Pokemon uses the tail to give Mamoswine damage. "Now use Flash Cannon!" "Icicle Crash!"

Just then, Steelix is knocked back to the ground after the silver beam misses. Then Yuki says, "Finish with Earthquake!"

"Return!" Ash yells before the attack can hit Steelix head-on. "Infernape! I choose you!"

As the fire monkey appears on the field, it has some damage thanks to the Stealth Rock.

"Wait, Infernape?" The traitors are watching as they see the Pokemon. "I thought we have it!" Max asks.

"The traitors are looking at their pockets and they find that all of Ash's Pokemon are gone. Misty growls, "That bastard..."

"You made a mistake by sending out this Pokemon. Use Earthquake again!" Yuki yells.

"Jump and use Flamethrower!" Ash yells.

Infernape jumps and then shoots out the fire, but it doesn't seem to do much damage. "Thick Fat, right?" Ash asks.

"I am glad you know about that." Yuki says. "But look at your Mamoswine." Ash says, causing her to be confused. Mamoswine is burned, much to her surprise.

"Oh no, we have to be quick, use Knock Off!" "Dodge and use Mach Punch!" Ash yells as Infernape quickly punches the Pokemon, sending Mamoswine flying into the wall behind Yuki and crushing the surface on impact. When the smoke clears it is unable to battle, giving Ash the lead.

"That is a good start." Lillie cheers.

"Indeed. Ash is getting better at this." Taen replies.

Yuki sends out a Delta Trevenant as her next Pokemon, much to the surprise of everyone. Ash says, "A Delta Pokemon, huh? Infernape, return for now. Drapion, I choose you!"

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