Chapter 45: Mt. Rose Climb

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Ash and his friends arrive at Mt. Rose's Base, they didn't see any signs of Malde or Lillie. " ...they're not here yet. I've been waiting for ages. What if... what if they don't show? What is Reukra l-" Nora says.

"There they are." Malde and Lillie appear in front of them, and since Zachary is the first time seeing them, he can't help but feel a little weird.

"Lillie..." Ash mutters, remembering the last encounter that she injured him.

"Let's get down to business. You need us to get up the mountain. And we need the shards of Augur's Crystal. So if we-" Malde says, but Alice cuts him off.

"What, no! Absolutely no! We can't do that."

"...what do you know about the crystal?" Malde asks.

Emily knows that they are in trouble, she says, "Um...she means..."

"I am not asking you to get it for us." Malde says, still in a calm tone.

"Wait, what?" Damian says in confusion.

"We just don't want it in Zenith or Persephone's hands. Once it's in your hands- or anyone else's- we can acquire it easily." Malde says.

"I... okay. We're not pushovers, you know." Nora says, not knowing what to reply to the old man in front of her.

"Mhmm. Go, Lillie. Disguise yourself. Go through the checkpoint and get this over with." Suddenly, the tentacles on Lillie disappear, but she looks emotionless and then walks away.

After a while, the ladder appears from the top of the mountain. Malde says, "Perfect. That ladder should get you up and down the mountain without having to go through the checkpoint."

"Um...thank you for your help?" Gladion says with an uncertain tone.

Malde starts to walk off but pauses. He says, "Your sister, she doesn't talk much anymore. I'm sorry if we've caused you pain. But she's happier now."

Gladion feels a little annoyed, he says, "Are... you controlling her? Did she... choose to leave us?"

"I didn't say she chooses, but she is happier." Malde then disappears out of their sight, probably with the move Teleport.

Emily looks at Gladion's pained and angry face, she is worried as she asks, "Gladion?"

"That jerk...The next time I see him, I really want to strangle him for twisting Lillie's mind..." Gladion clenches his fists.

"No..." Ash says as they all turn around and face him.

"What do you mean no?" Nora asks her brother.

"If she is really happier like that...I guess we should leave her." Ash says with a tear on his face.

This causes them to get shocked. "Ash? What are you talking about?" Damian asks.

"Yeah, we have been working so hard to save her, you want to throw her away?" Taen asks.

But before Ash can reply, Gladion grabs his collar and says, "You...I guess I was wrong, I should let Lillie befriend you..."

"It ... it hurts, but it would be the right thing to do." Ash says, then he shows his determined face and says, "But it has to be her choice."

Gladion suddenly drops him to the ground. Ash continues, "I need to know if this is what she wants. I can't just abandon her. I swear I'm going to find her and I will get her to talk. But for now..."

Ash stands up and says, "Let's go show these cultists how to actually cure a disease!"

The others nod as they start to climb the ladder. Gladion says, "Ash, I am sorry, I know that you won't abandon Lillie..."

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