Chapter 25: Plans

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Once they are back in Mira Town, Wallace says, "So you guys are going to Sonata City I assume?"

"Yeah, but our path was blocked by a Snorlax, we need a Pokeflute in order to wake it up." Ash says.

"I have one in my hand." Wallace says as he gives them the flute. "I hope you can use it wisely."

"So how about you? Where are you going?" Lillie asks.

"I am going back to the Timeless since I have to report this to our leader." Wallace says as he bids them farewell.

Nora says, "He really is a nice guy."

"I agree." Ash says, before they get back to Route 8, they see a yellow two-head-like thing and a snake come to them.

"Arbok and...Is this a Delta Weezing? What are they doing here?" Emily asks.

"Don't ask me..." Ash says as the two Pokemon go towards Ash. Then Ash recognizes the Pokemon.

"Wait, you were once Team Rocket's Pokemon, right?" Ash asks as they nod a little.

"Team Rocket? You mean the trio who kept harassing us?" Gladion asks.

"Yeah, but we stopped them back at Alola and they were now guys were released back in Hoenn, right? But why didn't you go find Jessie and James?" Ash asks.

The two Pokemon say that they want to come with him, Ash is surprised at first, but then he realizes that they must be willing to do so, so he captures the Pokemon.

Delta Weezing: The Thunder Clap Pokemon: Electric and Flying Type. The sound it makes when dispensing electricity has been compared to a lightning bolt striking nearby.

"So Brother, what is with the Team Rocket thing?" Nora asks.

"You see...Team Rocket is an evil organization from Kanto and Johto, there are three members who have been stalking me in order to steal my Pikachu since day one of my journey. Wherever I go, they will always be there as well."

"So they are kind of stalkers?" Emily asks.

"Kinda." Lillie says. "And then the organization changes into Team Rainbow Rocket and they take over the Aether Foundation and kidnap our mother, but thanks to Ash, they are finally gone and Mom is saved."

"I see." Alice says.

After blowing the flute, they wake up the Snorlax, and then they defeat the Snorlax and it runs off to the mountains to find another place to sleep, and then they finally reach Route 9.

Unknown to them, Jaern is on top of the entrance of Route 9, but neither of them sees each other. Jaern sees that Persephone is waiting for him.

"You are late." She says coldly.

"I'm never late. You're just early." Jaern retorts.

"Why did you want to see me? I thought our deal was finished." Persephone says.

"I thought so too. And then I see Ash Ketchum in Telnor Town. He came to my tower and defeated Rayquaza. It's his fault my crystal was shattered. Not only that, but he remembered! His name, the kidnap and also what we did to his parents. That is too much. If anyone recognizes him...Care to explain? I gave you the kid. I promised to leave you and your cult alive when I came into power! All I asked of you was to deal with one small child. And yet, you couldn't even do that! What went wrong? Chose your words carefully- they might be your last."

Persephone is surprised at first, but then she says, "We were very close to completing the memory wipe...but before we were done, our ritual began and we were forced to leave. When I returned, he was gone. During that time, we have a search party in the Shade Forest and then one of our people reported that she sees Ash Ketchum fall into the river and died. But we searched the recordings and the ones who left at that time are six cultists, and one of them looks eerily similar to a member who had been sacrificed a long time ago..."

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