Chapter 40 Pokemon Searching

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In the Hoenn Region, Wallace has gathered a lot of Pokemon for Ash. There is Swampert, which is from the breeder from Dewford Island, a Mightyena from a Pokemon Reserve, a Linoone who likes to gather items on the ground, a Beautifly, and a Dustox who have been working together.

He also finds a Pelipper by crossing the ocean, along with a Masquerain. Breloom is found at the same place where May's Torchic evolves, and Slaking is found near Petalburg City. A Ninjask and a Shedinja are found while exploring the Petalburg Woods, and an Exploud and a Hariyama are found in the Granite Cave. Delcatty is found at Route 116 where it likes to play.

Manectric is found in new Mauville City, and there is Volbeat and Illumise who are also mates that want to find Ash, Swalot is found at Route 110 where it sometimes sleeps, and Sharpedo is found at Route 105 and it was the same one that was healed from Team Rocket's Seviper's attack.

Grumpig comes from the Kalos Region and wants to find Ash after saving his pack from the bully Grumpig, a Spinda with the Heart Shape also wants to come and find Ash, there is also a Flygon from Fiore, a Cacturne from the Desert area, an Altaria who Ash found as a Swablu, Zangoose and Seviper that work together to find Ash from Route 114, much to Wallace's surprise, and Lunatone and Solrock that are also befriended Ash when one wants to find the way home and the other was framed.

Wishcash is next as it was found at the lake where Ash accidentally dropped his badge and the Claydol that they managed to imprison after it went rampage, Cradily and Armaldo are revived with the help of Steven. A Castform from the weather institute, a Kelceon from Route 120 when it blocks the bridge. A Banette was found in a haunted mansion where Ash stayed, a Tropius from Route 119, a Chimecho which belonged to James, an Absol also from Fiore, and a Walrein that they saved in Slateport City.

And the final Pokemon is a Relicanth from the ruins near Oldale Town, a Luvdisc at Route 124, and a Salamence that Ash helped to make him fly. Wallace is relieved that May and Max aren't in this region as they are in Sinnoh, but he just hopes that Dawn isn't going to be found by them.

In Sinnoh, Dawn sighs and says, "This is really am I going to find the Pokemon that Ash needs..." She looks around and says, "No need to worry, for Ash, I have to do this."

Even after learning that she wasn't truly Giratina's Chosen one, Dawn still asks for help as Giratina manages to find some Pokemon for Ash. There is an Empoleon that was given by Professor Rowan, Bibarel which Ash helped save from a giant Steelix, a Kricketune who likes to perform, a Rampardos, and a Bastiodon with the help of Byron and Roark.

There is also Wormadam and Mothim in the Eterna Forest and a Pachirisu that she has a hard time catching because of its energy. A Gastrodon who Ash saved when they are at Mt. Coronet, a Mismagius that tried to play pranks on them, a Honchkrow who catches their attention, a Purugly who Dawn thinks will be loved by Ash because it was being rejected because of its fat body, a Skuntank who has a hard time living because people hates it for its smell. And a Bronzong that was found near Solaceon Town.

There is also a Chatot who likes to mimic them and a Spiritomb who was imprisoned before, a Hippowdon who followed them before, a Drapion found in the Great Marsh along with a Toxicroak and a Carnivine. There is also the Lumineon they met in the Summer Camp and Abomasnow that was once a Snover that also tried to follow them.

Dawn also found a Weavile who is also interested in Ash, a Magnezone that once fought with a Metagross, a Lickilicky that was found in the Pokemon Day Care, a Rhyperior who was been on a rampage until it was calmed down, a Tangrowth who was trying to protect the forest, a Togekiss who was once a Togepi that play pranks on them by using Attract, a Leafeon and a Glaceon who is also interested in Ash, a Mamoswine where Ash rode once in Kalos, a Porygon-Z which was given by Dr. Colress, a Probopass that was found at Mt. Coronet, and finally the Dusknoir who saved them in the Summer Camp.

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