Chapter 16: The Traitors

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The Pokemon League Association is having a meeting, and all the Champions, Professors, Scott, and Goodshow are inside the meeting. Ever since Gary reveals that his grandfather tries to make Ash give up his dream because he loses seven leagues, they are really mad. Since they are still grieving the news of Ash and Delia's disappearance, and since Delia is the Champion of the Kanto Region while Ash is an aspiring young trainer who manages to compete in seven leagues and every time it gets better and better.

"Samuel, do you know what have you done?" Rowan slams his fist on the table, and Professor Oak is trembling at the sight of his angry senior, "You have indirectly killed a promising young trainer only because he lost 7 leagues? You have brought a bad name to the PLA!"

"Calm down, Rowan. I know being angry can't redo what has happened." Goodshow says, then he turns to Professor Oak with a glare, "But he is right! It is thanks to Ash that there are a lot of people who like to watch the leagues, people are mourning his death, but they don't know the reason why he commits suicide! To think it is because that you and those who called themselves Ash's friends do that to him! What do you get to say about this?"

Professor Oak tries to regain his composure and he says, "But I was just doing what I must..."

"What you must?" Lance gives a tone that seems to be threatening, everyone can see that even Lance, the calm one asides from Wallace in the Association, is trembling in anger. "Don't give me that crap! You just don't want to be in danger because of his heroic actions, the bosses of other evil teams will find you. And now you are just helping those bosses and there aren't any more trainers that would try to help us defeat them!"

Juniper shakes her head and says, "You know Samuel, we all once admired what you did in the Pokemon World, but now just this thing, you have ruined your so-called reputation! And this can't go unpunished."

Elm says, "Indeed, right now we need to know who has been involved in this betrayal."

Scott sighs and says, "You know, I could find him with the sources that I have, but now that we knew that he is dead..."

"He isn't dead." They turn around and see Red walking inside the room. Goodshow asks, "Huh...who are you?"

Red says, "My name isn't a concern to you, but I suppose that some of you might know who I am." He takes off the cloak and they gasp. The boy in front of them has the same face as Ash, but the clothing that he wears is all red and white, those who recognize the face are surprised and Professor Birch asks, "Ash? Is that you?"

"No, I am Red. You can say I am him from a different dimension." Red says. "I am also the leader of the Timeless."

"Timeless? What is that?" Elm asks.

"The Timeless is a secret group of people who are chosen by Legendary Pokemon. For myself, I am chosen by Mewtwo." Red says. "Our goal is to protect this world, but we keep it secret because we have the power of the Legendary and Mythical Pokemon and we don't want attention."

"Okay..." Goodshow says, surprised to learn such a group exists in the first place. "So Red, what do you mean that Ash is still alive?"

Red says, "Mr. Goodshow, I want to know, do you remember the Torren Region?"

"I know of this region." Scott asks, "Isn't that the most dangerous Region in the whole world? There are five cults and one of them takes over the league there, so to keep ourselves safe, we cut ties with the region completely."

"You are correct, but even though the region is all gloomy and doom, we still have appointed an Augur to save the region, and that person is no other than the Chosen of Hoopa, Ash Ketchum's father, Adam Ketchum."

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